***2012 Fz6 FORUM Custom T'Shirts, NOW AVAILABLE***

I guess we will have to wait a bit longer. No biggie, I understand how things do not go according to well laid plans. It's the nature of doing business.
I talked to the printer yesterday. I think the main problem was the artwork was a little trickier than she had thought. I went home last night cleaned it up and hopefully they can start printing today or tomorrow. She says they have the shirts in stock, so cross my fingers they should be done in the next few days. Once I have them, ill stay up all night if i have to, and get them out the next day! :thumbup:

PS, sorry if i did not reply fast enough. for some reason my subscription on this post isnt working, so i am not getting notifications on tapatalk :rolleyes: I have it set to "instant notifications" but have not got an email yet...
I keep forgetting I ordered one. Once it comes it will be like Christmas. :D (not a dig at it taking that long, just saying the surprise and happiness part)
Shirts are in! Printing the shipping labels tonight! Pending no more east coast hurricane they will be shipped Monday!
Got mine today - it looks superb. Thank you again for making these great shirts for us! I was just wearing one of my other ones (from the last patch) last night! Woo hoo!

Thanks dude. Got my shirts today and they look awesome. I plan to wear it over thanksgiving to see if my uncle who's a Harley guy notices.
Big surprise today when my shirts arrived! in Australia!! - very efficient. :thumbup:
Brilliant work Jay, thanks very much.
mine arrived too and i wore it with absolute pride at the melbourne motorcycle expo yesterday

thanks Jay they are awesome