A crash.

There is a time and a place for everything. Drunk,at night,and hitting a traffic lightpole which to me means he was going to go through an intersection at that speed. This was bound to happen to him. Only good thing about doing it at that time of night, is he was less likely to take someome else out.

I like to save that sort of thing for out in the sticks, or an empty freeway.
The images are truly shocking, it's a sad world we live in when some people are so selfish & wrapped up in their own little world that they can do these things like this without any regard for themselves or anyone else thank god nobody else was hurt.
I think we all like to twist the throttle a little more than we should on occasion but that should only be done on a clear road when you can make sound judgment.
I'm not so sure about feeling sorry for his parents if they knew he was riding without a licence they should have stepped in.
I think the UK system in acquiring a motorcycle licence works quite well in preventing young people getting too bigger bike too soon
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I feel bad for the poor R1. What a waste of a perfectly good motorcycle. Stupid drunks.......Why can't they ever wreck something that sucks? Go crash a Prius you buggers!
Feel sorry for the family, but feel worse for US, responsible riders. This selfish fool gives ammunition for those that don't like motorcycles and would like to get them off the street. When an idiot like this sprays his bike and himself all over the road he just arouses the do gooders who want to put us in nice electric cars, or in trains. Or better yet on a nice shiny, red bicycle on bike paths provided by the government for our safety.
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I just checked this dude's facebook page. He's alive enough at the moment to post an update (6 hours ago)

Good thing he's finally gotten his prorities straight! Oh wait....near death experience, survives = still must update facebook immediately.....yeeaaahhh.....:shakehead:
I wont pass judgement on this guy, we have all done crazy things in our youth. I hope he makes it and this can be a story he tells others, that are considering drinking and riding.

I sold my Second 06 GSXR 1000 to a guy in LA, it was Perfect condition, he had it about 2 mos, when he was out partying it up till 2 a.m. and decided to do some wheelies. Well it did not go well, and he was very lucky not to hit the Light pole he brushed with his jacket. Needless to say the bike was totaled.

Here it was before!!!


And the After pics!!!




I wont preach about drinking and riding, but when I start drinking the keys get put away.

Stay Safe out there.

^ Very true. Hopefully he learned his lesson, and can pass his lesson onto others. Still annoys me that so many people learn this stuff the hard way though. Then again, I was the rare exception, in that I did not do crazy stuff in my youth. I never went through that "young and invincible" faze. It's not that I was smart, but rather a big wuss back then. lol
i was riding a yamaha 125 dirtbike when i was 6. I tried to get a bike from the time iwas 17 untill 29 when i got my fz6. Thank god for diferent situations that prevented me from getting a bike before that time . I had so much sh** in my life that i did not care about anything, most of all my self. Young and dumb,,,, I hope and pray that this BOY gets a second chance.Bikes can give people a tool to change the way they deal with their lives:thumbup:, but as a tool, it is all in how you use it.We all should all hope that every-one can see the difference between a kid making a mistake and the motorcycle community as a whole:thumbup: Sorry for any spelling F ups, was coming off the top of my head:rolleyes:
If people are wreckless (even to a lesser extent than this guy) starting a litre bike would be bad, yes.

But the same could be said for a lot of things. Over-regulation is a bad thing. Most people who are smart don't start on literbikes. Most people who do start on litrebikes are terrified of their machines for years and gradually become decent riders and only sacrifice ride enjoyment for image for a couple years and elevate the risk of losing some rear wheel traction in corners.

And no matter what is done idiots will max out whatever bike they are on. Just how it is.

Education rather than regulation is the key. Educate the riders, educate the families, educate the masses. Riding is a safe and enjoyable activity.

Just banning things will reinforce the image of motorcycles being dangerous.

I started riding when I was 20. My first bike was a 1990 Radian. after 1000 miles I sold it with the intension of buying a FZ6, but instead bought a 2001 FZ1 for 2K. I know what you mean about being afraid of a motorcycle. But did I regret the decision? No, not really. Yes the FZ1 scared the crap out of me, but I also learned a lot from it. maybe not a lot about riding but a lot about knowing my limits and when enough is enough. Did I make a mistake? Yes of course. But people learn a lot from their mistakes. atleast I know I did. I'm just glad mine didn't kill me. anyway I now have a beautiful 2007 FZ6 and couldn't be happier. I still got the FZ1 , but it will be gone come spring. I'm 21 years old now btw.
I started riding when I was 20. My first bike was a 1990 Radian. after 1000 miles I sold it with the intension of buying a FZ6, but instead bought a 2001 FZ1 for 2K. I know what you mean about being afraid of a motorcycle. But did I regret the decision? No, not really. Yes the FZ1 scared the crap out of me, but I also learned a lot from it. maybe not a lot about riding but a lot about knowing my limits and when enough is enough. Did I make a mistake? Yes of course. But people learn a lot from their mistakes. atleast I know I did. I'm just glad mine didn't kill me. anyway I now have a beautiful 2007 FZ6 and couldn't be happier. I still got the FZ1 , but it will be gone come spring. I'm 21 years old now btw.


That there's the problem. Too much time with the bike riding you instead of the other way around.

Simply surviving should not be the goal of riding.

And imo you can learn about your limits on an FZ6 as easily as you can on an FZ1 or something similar. Being a rookie doing bat**** speeds in crazy situations on a bike you dont feel entirely in control of yet it doesnt matter if it is a 6 or a 1 on the sticker on the side of it.

And an R1 is still a bit of a far cry from an FZ1 I think.
I was just wondering who pays? unlicensed and drunk. if he had healthcare insurance surely they wont pay out, will his family pick up the bill for the rest of their lives?
In the UK he would be taken care of at the expense of the tax payer, just wondering, sorry if this is considered a hijack but things work differently in the US to the UK.
I don't think being drunk nullifies your healthcare coverage here. Assuming he had any (and he would be elligible for coverage under his parents still at 19)... so probably his parents' coverage pays.

Damn what a waste of a good bike. Dipsh_t. But then 19 yr olds will always find a way to get drunk and kill themselves, I guess.
Damn what a waste of a good bike. Dipsh_t. But then 19 yr olds will always find a way to get drunk and kill themselves, I guess.

This kid is a really bad apple. Think about how you were at 19. I for one was very responsible, was in college and held a job. I hardly drank at all.

I like to think this kids behavior is more the exception than the rule. I am pretty sure there are millions of 19 year olds who aren't out there drunk, no license, doing 157mph on a rocket ship at 2am.
I was just wondering who pays? unlicensed and drunk. if he had healthcare insurance surely they wont pay out, will his family pick up the bill for the rest of their lives?
In the UK he would be taken care of at the expense of the tax payer, just wondering, sorry if this is considered a hijack but things work differently in the US to the UK.

His insurance pays (if he has any), if he doesn't have insurance the US TAXPAYER pays for all of his first rate care. He will not be turned out into the streets. It is a fallacy (on purpose) in reporting that 30 million Americans don't have access to healthcare. That is false, they may not have INSURANCE but they have 100% access to the world's finest HEALTH CARE at the expense of the taxpayer. So things aren't that much different between the UK, Canada, Europe or the US ....
This kid is a really bad apple. Think about how you were at 19. I for one was very responsible, was in college and held a job. I hardly drank at all.

I like to think this kids behavior is more the exception than the rule. I am pretty sure there are millions of 19 year olds who aren't out there drunk, no license, doing 157mph on a rocket ship at 2am.

It's more the rule than you think.

While they might not be on rocketships, they are not in college with jobs. And a lot of times even the ones in college with jobs are just as retarded.
It's more the rule than you think.

While they might not be on rocketships, they are not in college with jobs. And a lot of times even the ones in college with jobs are just as retarded.

Very true. Here in CA, the exception is rapidly becoming the rule. In high school, I could count on one hand the number of people that did not party and get drunk often. Which was pretty much myself and my small group of friends, most of which just got into that drug stuff later on anyways. :rolleyes: I didn't go to college, but I sure as heck was working by 19! And all my coworkers(even now), are pretty much all alcoholics. CA is now the "Party Hard Tard" state. Or "PHT" for short. :shakehead:
He's an idiot, yeah. Doesn't deserve to die for it.
bs, yes he does. anyone with that much proven disregard for other people's safety (as shown by his fb page) deserves to depart this life.

I was dumb at 19 and am still dumb at 25.
we were all dumb at 19, some more than others. im not sure if you still being dumb at 25 is something to brag about. could go either way, either it shows you havent learned from past mistakes and keep repeating them, OR it shows that you have enough maturity to realize you arent perfect...which means youre not dumb.

I've done some crazy **** on my bike, sometimes pushed a bit too far. On a 600 it's easier to correct our mistakes, the R1 is one of the fastest bikes in the world around a track, it's not quite so easy to pull it back from the brink sometimes.
we all have, but what this guy did really wasnt dumb, it was retardedly suicidal and showed a lack of respect for laws and others. regular dumb stuff is when you look back and say, 'man, that was dumb. im not doing that again'. that means that you learned from it and tried to not let it happen again. this guy, along with his revoked license, has a clear pattern of behavior that needed to be stopped.

Hope he lives to ride another day. If not, hopefully it sobers his friends and area riders to their mortality.
he will live to ride another day, and sadly so. this event will end up being a
'notch in the bedpost' story for him to show his friends how cool and strong he is to survive something like that. at best, hopefully one of his friends will have an awakening as stop thier own stupid behavior. ive dealt with jerseylicious brats like this alot, and learning from mistakes is not one of thier strongsuits.

in the meantime, events like this asshat created will only end up costing us more for things like insurance, healthcare, and heightened safety nazi awareness. screw him, i hope he chokes on his trachia tube.