A lesson to all idiots hammering the rev limiter.

I hate it how people do things like this. What is the fascination with revving the crap out of your bike? Also burnouts, what on earth is that all about?
I hate it how people do things like this. What is the fascination with revving the crap out of your bike? Also burnouts, what on earth is that all about?

Finally, someone else sees the stupidity of burnouts. Whenever I see one in progress I think (and hope) how fun it would be if that rear wheel would just, "catch". Wheelies as well. Getting caught doing one of these on a public road should be a license suspending event complete with a fine (and insurance bump) that would force many riders to sell their bikes.
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another prime example of why we pay so much in insurance.... Someone please kill him and save the rest of us....
another prime example of why we pay so much in insurance.... Someone please kill him and save the rest of us....

In ga its just the opposite asfar as insurance goes they figure ahhh hell kill himself shortly so we will cut him a break for example if you have read some o my other post you will be suprised to hear that I pay 174 a year for insurance when ive had my license revoked numurous times and have 30+ tickets (none of wich were given to me while riding)

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Finally, someone else sees the stupidity of burnouts. Whenever I see one in progress I think (and hope) how fun it would be if that rear wheel would just, "catch". Wheelies as well. Getting caught doing one of these on a public road should be a license suspending event complete with a fine (and insurance bump) that would force many riders to sell their bikes.

Man I love a good burnout! As long as it is someone else trashing their bike who cares?

Just what we need, another law :(