Advice for Yasko


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2010
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D/FW Texas
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Coming home work on Friday 9/13 at 9:pM I was knocked off my bike at 35-MPH.
I was on a service road that runs along Interstate 20, the guy in a mini van was getting to his stop sign. I had the right of way but I slowed to see if he would stop. He stops for just a second and came out at me. I turned to try to go around but I hit the drivers door. He get out with oh I'm so sorry, and I got myself off the ground to see my bike smashed in the street.

I have 2 titanium screws in my upper right humerus, 15 stitches on my right shin, and a little rash on my knee. Bike has front end damage, forks, 1 header, an all front plastic. I'll know tomorrow what the adjuster has for a price.

He told his insurance company that he never saw me. They said they will pay foe everything in one lump settlement. It's Allstate.

I had my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, Held Phantom gloves, Shoei RF1000, and Blitz hi viz jacket.

More details when I get better.

Do I need a lawyer, or trust my regular guy dad.:confused:

What's the process from someone that has been hit? I wish I knew what to expect from the insurance side.
Holy crap sorry to hear about this. Glad you are ok.....relatively.
You may or may not feel the results of this accident later in life....that's something you may want to consider when settling. I'm assuming the cops where there and incident report was filed? Did they charge him with anything?
If it were me.......I'd look at the long term .....and probably hire a lawyer....NOT an ambulance chaser.

Get better soon.
Get a LAWYER!!!!! Otherwise they will take advantage of you!!!! Don't think you can save money because the lawyer will take 33%. He will get you a LOT more than you would yourself.

And yes I would get a Saul type lawyer. $$$
Dude, so sorry to hear about your accident. :( hope you heal up quickly and fully.
In my case I had an 80 something year old cut me off and I hit thevside of his Buick. He admitted fault but I still ended up with two broken legs and a torn kidney. This was in 1976 and I was 21 at the time. My dad contacted the California bar assn. I was referred to a personal injury attorney who took my case. Not only did we come to an out of court settlement my attorney negotiated my medical bills down 30% which left me with another $33,000. The insurance company would have taken total advantage of me without me having a lawyer.
Just my personal .02 worth, get well soon.:thumbup:
Oh man so sorry to Yasko! Sincerely hope you get over your injuries quickly and with minimal discomfort. No personal experience, but lawyer is likely the way to go. It sucks that it has to work like this. Why can't insurance company just cover all your expenses properly?? No lawyer = they'll likely try to shaft you. Lawyer = they'll end up paying 2-3 times what they would if they were to just cover your expenses. *sad*

Good luck with everything!!
That's why they pay insurance, lawyer up! Make them pay for something you're going to live with for the rest of your life!
I generally say get a lawyer. But if they're being cooperative, l'd feel them out first.

My only cycle insurance experience was when I got rear ended. I got the (dis)pleasure of dealing with Farmer's/Foremost (their recreational stuff arm). Foremost seemed hellbent on landing the lady that hit me in a courtroom. I was seriously tempted several times to tell them to stop calling and just take her to court. However, when it came to the medical stuff, the Farmer's guy was quite reasonable. Hit me with an OK offer, I countered with a little over double to see what he'd say, he agreed and I picked up a check from his office the next day. Bought the FZ with it in fact. To be fair though, that was over 2 hospital visits, and about 2 months of my right shoulder hurting... not tens of thousands and potential lifetime consequences like your injuries.

Best of luck to you, and glad you got relatively lucky.
Terrible news. Sorry to hear.. :(

The other party's insurance company will save money if they can get you to accept a lump sum quickly.

I'd check your local bike forum for a recommended lawyer experienced in motorcycle injury accidents. That should also take away some stress and uncertainty from the situation.

I wish you a speedy recovery!
Be careful, they are out to get the best deal for themselves - would certainly seek legal advice. Would not trust them or any of the similar Insurance Companies. Sometimes the threat of legal action is enough or may have to write a letter but I would be very careful - for them the objective is simple, get you to settle as quick as possible for as little as possible.
sorry to hear yasko hope you heal fast

my advice nice guys finish last
you dont wanna find they lawyer up to minimise their lack of vision penalties
you owe them nothing but you owe yourself the best chance to get your own best deal
lawyer up they will work for you and their own payment
once again heal up fast

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
Yasko, so sorry to hear about that. I do hope you mend well and are is good as new! No, advice, other than look out for you. I have plenty of people who run well with aftermarket parts. Although some end up having them removed later in life.

You ok work wise, school wise all that? Are you missing things that will effect you later?
I love you guys on this forum.:cheer: Thanks for the nice words of encouragement.:thumbup:

The Dr. said 12 weeks away from work. (with no income) No follow up surgery, but 2 screws in the upper right arm forever.:(

I'll see about a lawyer this week.:thumbup:

I should have some info on the bike later today.:rockon:

Thanks again everyone for your help. I'll for sure keep you posted on how it all works out. :thumbup:

Gear report to come later. :cheer:
Be careful, they are out to get the best deal for themselves - would certainly seek legal advice. Would not trust them or any of the similar Insurance Companies. Sometimes the threat of legal action is enough or may have to write a letter but I would be very careful - for them the objective is simple, get you to settle as quick as possible for as little as possible.

They're also not stupid, and often recognize that if you lawyer up, the settlement is going up, and they might have to pay for your lawyer, as well as theirs. I've seen insurance companies become downright generous to avoid their insured being called "the defendant."

On the flip side, with the higher chance of long term complications, a lawyer might be able to get something besides a lump sum in case something acts up in the future.
The pain and suffering, the mental damage on being stressed out if you ever ride again. You will forever hurt when it gets cold thanks to that metal. I'm not trying to be a barracks lawyer, but swap roles for a minute. What do you think they would do?
Coming home work on Friday 9/13 at 9:pM I was knocked off my bike at 35-MPH.
I was on a service road that runs along Interstate 20, the guy in a mini van was getting to his stop sign. I had the right of way but I slowed to see if he would stop. He stops for just a second and came out at me. I turned to try to go around but I hit the drivers door. He get out with oh I'm so sorry, and I got myself off the ground to see my bike smashed in the street.

I have 2 titanium screws in my upper right humerus, 15 stitches on my right shin, and a little rash on my knee. Bike has front end damage, forks, 1 header, an all front plastic. I'll know tomorrow what the adjuster has for a price.

He told his insurance company that he never saw me. They said they will pay foe everything in one lump settlement. It's Allstate.

I had my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, Held Phantom gloves, Shoei RF1000, and Blitz hi viz jacket.

More details when I get better.

Do I need a lawyer, or trust my regular guy dad.:confused:

What's the process from someone that has been hit? I wish I knew what to expect from the insurance side.
Mate I am so sorry to hear about this, I am delighted that you have not been to severely injured. Its also very positive that the driver is insured and seems to be an upstanding kind of guy, because of this he will also understand that you need to look out for yourself. Get a lawyer, you want your medical and rehab bills paid for as well as your bike and gear. The lawyer isn't just there for the punitive damages it will take the hassle of dealing with third parties away from you.
Only yesterday I read a post by a young rider who was prone to wearing minimal protective gear. Part of the argument was about being defensive just as you were. I wouldn't like to think how badly injured you would have been had you not identified the danger and tried to take evasive action. Another lesson to gear up and keep your wits about you.
Good luck with the rehab and don't forget to get this included in the settlement, you are at the beginning of a long process back to good health.
Your buddy over hear

Coming home work on Friday 9/13 at 9:pM I was knocked off my bike at 35-MPH.
I was on a service road that runs along Interstate 20, the guy in a mini van was getting to his stop sign. I had the right of way but I slowed to see if he would stop. He stops for just a second and came out at me. I turned to try to go around but I hit the drivers door. He get out with oh I'm so sorry, and I got myself off the ground to see my bike smashed in the street.

I have 2 titanium screws in my upper right humerus, 15 stitches on my right shin, and a little rash on my knee. Bike has front end damage, forks, 1 header, an all front plastic. I'll know tomorrow what the adjuster has for a price.

He told his insurance company that he never saw me. They said they will pay foe everything in one lump settlement. It's Allstate.

I had my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, Held Phantom gloves, Shoei RF1000, and Blitz hi viz jacket.

More details when I get better.

Do I need a lawyer, or trust my regular guy dad.:confused:

What's the process from someone that has been hit? I wish I knew what to expect from the insurance side.
Mate I am so sorry to hear about this, I am delighted that you have not been to severely injured. Its also very positive that the driver is insured and seems to be an upstanding kind of guy, because of this he will also understand that you need to look out for yourself. Get a lawyer, you want your medical and rehab bills paid for as well as your bike and gear. The lawyer isn't just there for the punitive damages it will take the hassle of dealing with third parties away from you.
Only yesterday I read a post by a young rider who was prone to wearing minimal protective gear. Part of the argument was about being defensive just as you were. I wouldn't like to think how badly injured you would have been had you not identified the danger and tried to take evasive action. Another lesson to gear up and keep your wits about you.
Good luck with the rehab and don't forget to get this included in the settlement, you are at the beginning of a long process back to good health.
Your buddy over hear

Sorry Yasko I don't know anything about lawyers in the US, but really sorry to hear about your accident :(

Heal up soon and I hope you get the insurance stuff settled quickly :thumbup:

Don't forget to let us know how it all goes, and don't be a stranger (whilst you're temporarily off the road / healing up).
Don't forget to let us know how it all goes, and don't be a stranger (whilst you're temporarily off the road / healing up).

I'm not done with you guys yet.:BLAA:

I was here a year before I even got the bike. I love this site.:cheer:
I think they will call the bike a total loss. What's the lowest you think I should accept?

How much will it cost me to find another super clean (Fast Red) S2?