American Flag



I like almost every other American is 100% for legal imigration. Basicly if you want to be a part of our country, come be a part of it. That is the rub though. If you want to come but dont want to be a part of our country, then F.O. and D.I.A.F.

The rule is, has been, and should continue to be, assimilate your culture into our culture. That makes our and now your country stronger.

If you come with division, you make our country weaker, and hurt yourself in the process.
If you sneak in, F.O. and D.I.A.F.


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Nov 14, 2007
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Stuff like this really ticks me off. I actually have no problem with people showing the flag of their country of origin, because one of the things that makes this country great is the strength of our diverse population, the proverbial "melting pot". But putting the flag of another country above the stars and stripes borders on treason, period. I see someone disrespecting the flag that drapes the coffins of the soldiers who gave all for our freedom, and it makes me want to punch someone, hard. I'm not some crazy redneck, but how about a little respect for our national symbol, please? This veteran did the right thing, and I applaud him for having the guts to stand up for his values. If the store owner repeats the offense, he should be informed of the law and fined until he complies. I saw a similar situation a few months ago at my school, a janitor who was taking down the flag threw it right on the ground like it was an ordinary towel, and thought nothing of it. Luckily, the administration was behind the issue, and I was able to reeducate the entire staff about flag etiquette. Please, if you live here, respect our flag. It's not too much to ask.


No Man is an Ireland.
Jul 25, 2007
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Coming from someone who does not live in the USA I do think the guy was right (cutting down the american flag) but I do not agree with the disrespect he showed to the mexian flag...he left it on the ground!! For a man who loves his country dearly he should understand that people from Mexico equally love their flag and what it stands for them.

It is human nature to love and cherish your own country, the USA as a whole are a very proud nation and when I have visited the US I have to say I was blown away by the amazing sight of the american flag when flying outside almost all buildings. Cutting down the american flag was a good move on this guys part...but there was no need to cut down the mexican flag, and leaving it on the ground was inappropriate.

I know I'll get stick from you guys for saying what i have said but from my own experience here in Ireland, we have had many problems in our past with the relationship between Ireland and England. Northern Ireland is only starting to see signs of peace now and yet here in Northern ireland both the Union Jack (UK flag), and the Irish flag fly proudly...but never one on top of the other...always side by side.

Flying a flag one on top of the other is NOT allowed anywhere and that shopkeeper was asking for trouble. Even I know that if I were to own a house in the US, I would proudly fly the US flag at the same level as the Irish flag but never on the same pole, that at least shows respect to both flags and for those who have given up their lives for attaining such flags.

To all those from the UK: is the english flag illegal to fly or what? That seems pretty strange to me! I would have thought that the English would be even prouder than the US when it comes to displaying your flag...your history and heritage is alot older!!
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Junior Member
Nov 14, 2007
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Scorp, I agree with you. I was so caught up in my own emotions about the issue, I didn't notice the bit about the Mexican flag. Leaving it lying on the ground was disrespectful and inappropriate. Mexico is one of our allies, and we should respect their flag as well. I grew up in another country, and I fly the Canadian flag from my house on Canada day and during the cup playoffs, but never above the American Flag, or on the same pole.


The faster red one!
Jul 5, 2007
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Personally, I feel that it should be illegal to fly any other flag other than the stars and stripes anywhere except places where its appropriate (foreign embassies, etc).
Excuse my language on this bit, but if they like their god damn country so much they want to fly a flag for it, why are they here? Go the hell home.

Im with you on that one! :rockon:


I agree that throwing the Mexican flag on the ground was wrong too.


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Jul 8, 2007
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We travel down to the US more than anywhere else in our RV, and when we set up in the US campsite, I put out both a miniature Canadian and US flag side by side on the front of the motorhome. US flag on the right, of course.
Nobody has ever shown the slightest objection.
(Mind you, that's probably because 99% of the campsite's visitors are Canadian:p ).


Coming from someone who does not live in the USA I do think the guy was right (cutting down the american flag) but I do not agree with the disrespect he showed to the mexian flag...he left it on the ground!! For a man who loves his country dearly he should understand that people from Mexico equally love their flag and what it stands for them.

I would've put the knife through the mexican flag. They disrespected Americans.......that man loves HIS country, not theirs. If the mexicans love their country and flag so much, then they need to climb back over the fence and go home where they belong.
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No Man is an Ireland.
Jul 25, 2007
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But jsteinb95, to be an open country you must accept that others will want to live there too, That shopkeeper should never have done what he did but if you went to mexico and you saw someone put a knife through the american flag (because of one single american citizen's mistake in mexico) would you appreciate it? I doubt you would. So why should one nation be marred by this man, and have their flag stabbed?

They didn't disrespect americans, "he" did. He should be brought before a judge and not have the Mexian flag feel the brunt of his ignorance and disrespect.

Here in Ireland you will frequently hear, "if they dont respect our customs and expect us to change for them, then they should go home"...I do believe strongly in this. If that man continues to reoffend in this way, he should be deported back to mexico.

Moving to ones country should be seen as an honour, and this man shows no honour to those around him...I'd like to see him paying a fine every time he does about removing the flag pole?
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But jsteinb95, to be an open country you must accept that others will want to live there too, That shopkeeper should never have done what he did but if you went to mexico and you saw someone put a knife through the american flag (because of one single american citizen's mistake) would you appreciate it? I doubt you would. So why should one nation be marred by this man, and have their flag stabbed?

They didn't disrespect americans, "he" did. He should be brought before a judge and not have the Mexian flag feel the brunt of his ignorance and disrespect.

Here in Ireland you will frequently hear, "if they dont respect our customs and expect us to change for them, then they should go home"...I do believe strongly in this. If that man continues to reoffend in this way, he should be deported back to mexico.

Moving to ones country should be seen as an honour, and this man shows no honour to those around him...I'd like to see him paying a fine every time he does about removing the flag pole?

What you don't understand is, most of the mexicans here are illegal. As I have said before, they hurt our economy and ruin our neighborhoods. They come here illegally and get free medical, help with housing from the government, welfare, free education and us Americans pay for it. They have no morals and have brought their filthy culture to our country along with no respect what so ever.
To answer your question about them stabbing the American Flag if I lived there.......I wouldn't live there if you paid me $1 million.
Here's a question for ya. If they "like" our country so much, then why do they come here and expect everybody to learn THEIR language? I get tired of calling local business' and the employee's answer the phone in spanish.
They shouldn't have any rights here. I put in 7 different applications for a job and my application was declined because I don't speak spanish. Do you think that's fair?


Personally, I'll keep my opinion to myself on this one since if I typed it now it would just get deleted out (I'm thinking lots of expletives). Suffice it to say that if I meet that vet, the beer's on me.
Exactly what year did immigrants stop integrating into American society and why? My grandparents came from Poland and had to learn English; that's just how it was (1920's). I never learned Polish because I don't live there, I live here. My grandmother knew how to properly fly the American flag at her house even when she was 92 and bascally senile so just what's going on here?. I don't know exactly how we got all turned around but I do know something has to change in America, and soon.


Personally, I'll keep my opinion to myself on this one since if I typed it now it would just get deleted out (I'm thinking lots of expletives)

Who's gonna delete it? I want to know what you think.


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Jun 25, 2007
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But jsteinb95, to be an open country you must accept that others will want to live there too, That shopkeeper should never have done what he did but if you went to mexico and you saw someone put a knife through the american flag (because of one single american citizen's mistake in mexico) would you appreciate it? I doubt you would. So why should one nation be marred by this man, and have their flag stabbed?

They didn't disrespect americans, "he" did. He should be brought before a judge and not have the Mexian flag feel the brunt of his ignorance and disrespect.

Here in Ireland you will frequently hear, "if they dont respect our customs and expect us to change for them, then they should go home"...I do believe strongly in this. If that man continues to reoffend in this way, he should be deported back to mexico.

Moving to ones country should be seen as an honour, and this man shows no honour to those around him...I'd like to see him paying a fine every time he does about removing the flag pole?
I dont mind having a open country but when they come here and live off of are taxes that is bulls$$t. I have no problem with anybody that comes here and works and pays taxes as I and others do. They bring there big rigs from mexico and dont have to stop at scales, But tax paying citizens do. They come up here commit violent crimes, get women pregnant and what do they do run back to there country with no punishment. And all of tax paying citizens have to pay for there s$$t That is FU$$ED UP. And let me clarify this has nothing to do with race.


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Jun 25, 2007
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Personally, I'll keep my opinion to myself on this one since if I typed it now it would just get deleted out (I'm thinking lots of expletives). Suffice it to say that if I meet that vet, the beer's on me.
Exactly what year did immigrants stop integrating into American society and why? My grandparents came from Poland and had to learn English; that's just how it was (1920's). I never learned Polish because I don't live there, I live here. My grandmother knew how to properly fly the American flag at her house even when she was 92 and bascally senile so just what's going on here?. I don't know exactly how we got all turned around but I do know something has to change in America, and soon.

Amen, but I,m afraid its gone to far.


this is the problem with political correctness, give them an inch and they take a mile. for those who don't know when the amnesty bill was trying to be passed here about 8 months or so ago, they were out in the streets marching waving there toilet paper flag proudly, it became such a topic of there blatant disrespect for MY country there event coordinators had them start carrying the American flag also to try and get support for there cause.(it failed miserably just like it should have) the controversy spread into the schools as well, except the way they decided to handle it was by not allowing any flags in the schools just to be fair. to be fair???? what country are we in? if my next statement offends you, maybe you need to be offended to wake up and see whats really going on. that blatant liberalism thats running out of control is focused on making us a one world government. they use the guise of being PC to mask there true intension's. I say wake the fcuk up America. its time to take a stand. I didn't serve my country to just let them give it away (or infest it from with in) if the country's going to fall, I say not on my watch!!! as for the mexican't flag I'd of ripped that thing to shreds and wiped my feet on it!!! :mad: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!
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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2007
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Tampa, FL
I would've put the knife through the mexican flag. They disrespected Americans.......that man loves HIS country, not theirs. If the mexicans love their country and flag so much, then they need to climb back over the fence and go home where they belong.


Like I hinted at before, and others have said already, if you want to come here, do it legally, and follow a farking rules.
If you like your county of origin sooo much, the G.T.F.H (Go the F*cK Home).

Living in Florida most of my life I know quite a few Mexicans and Cubans and I get along without issue, but what I cannot stand are Mexicans who come here (most illegally) and then bitch and complain about how much better Mexico is, and how badly we treat them!
Once Again, Go The F*ck Home, or come here legally and S.T.F.U.

Coming from a military family (Grandfather just missed WW2, but served both Korea and Vietnam, RIP; mother in Iraq in '92) I have the utmost respect for this nation (just not our current leader/government) and its a kick in the groin to see stuff like that.
He didn't know it was illegal? Common, most middle school students know its at least disrespectful.

The sad bit is, in many other countries if an American had done a similar thing, they would have been killed by a mob in the street. That shop owner should be thankful that Vet showed the restraint that he did.

Ugh I wrote the above before reading page 4. So many more things to say now that I've read it.
As was mentioned above, I do not care one way or another about immigration. This country was founded on the concept of the melting pot. Come here, learn our culture, and we'll learn yours. Eventually both will integrate into each other.
Do NOT come here and expect us to lean your language and your culture while you disrespect ours.

As for sportrider; go watch Penn & Teller's "Bull****" about gun control. They define it very well. We as Americans were given the constitutional right to bear arms because the Forefathers foresaw the need to tear down our government and rebuild it as needed. Note that we also have the Constitutional right to reshape the government as we see fit. Do you think Bush would allow that willingly?
To all you current military who read this. You swore an oath to uphold the values of the Constitution and protect them from all threats, both foreign AND domestic.
Stop and think about that one for a second. Two words: Patriot Act. Three more: Uncontrolled Wire Taping.
Heres just one word for you: Iraq. How about Iran? Afghanistan?
I personally know vets from Iraq and they tell me that most of the commanders over there dont know WTF is going on and why we're there.

Anywho, I'm waaaay off topic on that. Carry on!
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International Liaison
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Jul 8, 2007
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Co Offaly, ROI
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Coming from someone who does not live in the USA I do think the guy was right (cutting down the american flag) but I do not agree with the disrespect he showed to the mexian flag...he left it on the ground!! For a man who loves his country dearly he should understand that people from Mexico equally love their flag and what it stands for them.

It is human nature to love and cherish your own country, the USA as a whole are a very proud nation and when I have visited the US I have to say I was blown away by the amazing sight of the american flag when flying outside almost all buildings. Cutting down the american flag was a good move on this guys part...but there was no need to cut down the mexican flag, and leaving it on the ground was inappropriate.

I know I'll get stick from you guys for saying what i have said but from my own experience here in Ireland, we have had many problems in our past with the relationship between Ireland and England. Northern Ireland is only starting to see signs of peace now and yet here in Northern ireland both the Union Jack (UK flag), and the Irish flag fly proudly...but never one on top of the other...always side by side.

Flying a flag one on top of the other is NOT allowed anywhere and that shopkeeper was asking for trouble. Even I know that if I were to own a house in the US, I would proudly fly the US flag at the same level as the Irish flag but never on the same pole, that at least shows respect to both flags and for those who have given up their lives for attaining such flags.

To all those from the UK: is the english flag illegal to fly or what? That seems pretty strange to me! I would have thought that the English would be even prouder than the US when it comes to displaying your flag...your history and heritage is alot older!!
Proud totally, ruled by PC mad liberal don't want to offend anyone, Governments. Who are trying to dilute our history. It has to be said, No one took any notice of the rule.


oh for the record.... for those who don't personally know me my earlier post could have come acrossed harsh if not racist. that is not the case. I have no problems with people who come here the legal way and embrace my country as there own. a guy I work with has recently became a U.S. citizen. he came here by legal means. studied our history and took the time to apply for citizenship and pay the fees and take the test and swear in to the country. after he returned to work, I could see the pride he had to say he was an American. that is the kind of people that this country was founded on and are welcome here. some of the other guys were talking about there cultures later saying they were mexican and such, my yard man said one simple thing that made my heart warm inside, he said I'm not a mexican I'm an American. that is how its supposed to be!!!