Another Hill Country Ride (Austin, TX)



I met 3 other bikes at Southpark Meadows in south Austin Saturday morning for a somewhat casual ride through the hill country. Myself, a Ninja ZX6R, an FZ1 and a Multistrada 1000.

We had a good ride through Hays, Driftwood, Woodcreek, Fischer and out to 281 and FM306, Took almost the same route back but I had to hurry back home to be ready for work. At 1:30 I was in Dripping Springs and had to get home to Elgin no later than 2:30. According to Google maps that's about 49 miles and 1hr 10min. I made it in 50 minutes. There was plenty of traffic and I even passed by one collision.

The folks I rode with are with the Austin Sportbike Riders on So far I've been on a couple of rides with the group and had a great time. The 3 I've ridden with today I had never met before but glad we got together. Sorry, no pics of this one. Had such a good time I forgot to snap a group photo.

If you haven't tried it's worth a look. There are motorcycle groups and the central Texas area has a bunch. There's really only one in the area for sportbikes, the other groups contain every type of bike including cruisers and Harleys.

I made it to work on time. Didn't get home on time. With about an hour to go a disturbance pops up. Guy is about 50 and high on something. Eventually he grabs a shotgun and points it at the person calling 911. We get there and after an extensive search the guy is nowhere to be found. Of course it started after midnight. My main concern, as were all my partners, that the guy doesn't shoot anyone, including us. I covered while my partner cleared the house he was supposed to be in. Ever been in a place you know nothing about and try to look in every room, under every bed, in every closet... all the while not knowing if the guy is there or not with the shotgun waiting for you to peek your head around the corner? It's not a good feeling. We all made it home, thankfully.