Anti fog

Has anybody ever tried good old fashioned spit just like divers use in their face

Works if applied when the glass is still dry, it also works with swimming goggles, but again works better if applied before getting wet. Never tried with the visor but it´s a good idea if nothing else is available...
Pin lock is great my helmet came with the pins already in The visor the insert cost £17.99. 100% No fog now :)
I tried this one and it sucks. It works very bad and after I sprey the visor, even when is not cold the visor is still somehow foggy....
Okay..You won't mistake the name and rub it on your lips cuz you think it's lip balm...

This stuff work great for me!
Thanks for reminding me, I have to get more. REI has it. Probably any good sporting goods store carries it.

I've tried for YEARS to find Cat Crap locally. I think I'm jut going to have to suck it up and order some online.
I bought some of the BMW-brand visor anti-fog last week. It works pretty well so far, but I didn't apply it to my glasses, which are still fogging. I am able to fog up the visor if I really try, but not a lot and not for long. I have really good fogging abilities. Definitely better than average. I've used catcrap before but not on a motorcycle helmet. I'm hoping this BMW stuff doesn't need re-application very often. Will update.

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I bought a dual pane (Non heated) Shieled for my Bell Vortex and works good. No fog. It is heavier and not as "easy" to see thru as a standard shield, but very nice for preventing fog.

I tried Fog city inserts and they did not work for me.

I considered pinlock, but it was more than $60 and I am not sure they had one for my helmet.

Happy riding,