Anyone live near or in New Orleans.......


Junior Member
Mar 20, 2010
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Rochester, MN
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I finally got my call so I left Rochester,MN Monday afternoon and arrived here in New Orleans today(tuesday) at noon..I will be here for a couple months.I'm looking for some one to show the area while I am here for work and maybe even possibly a room for rent.....message me on here or call/text me on my cell....507-251-1190


Just let me know in the message or if you call me who you are and where you got the number :)
I live about 40 miles north of new Orleans and I work just outside of the city. I wouldn't recommend riding in downtown NO cause people can't drive out there and have no respect for bikers. Are you actually staying in NO?

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Yeah, I am staying in Kenner at a hotel. I am going to be working out at Waterford 3 Nuke plant for the next couple of months....Yeah I have noticed that not many people ride at all...figured I would see a lot more bikes being the temp it is..haha.....We should meet up or something one of these days and you can show me some sites!
I work right across the river from waterford at valero. I see a lot of cruisers/harley's all the time but not too many street bikes. 90% of the supersport riders out here only ride when it's perfect outside. I usually ride to work all the time, but it's been raining a good bit lately and I don't like to ride in the rain.

Are you gonna be working every day? We maybe able to set something up one day.
Ah Nice! Ha ha yeah, 50 and sunny is perfect out for me! haha....if its not snowing or raining I'll probably be riding everywhere! Love it!!
Not really sure what my shift is going to be as yet but will let ya know! I really wanna get around the area and see some things! I'm thinking about maybe taking a swamp tour this
Well just let me know. Not too many good riding areas in kenner/metairie/new orleans area. I'm sure we could figure something out.
Bike is getting fixed today/tomorrow and will I'll be riding tomorrow after work! ;-) Get ahold of me..I PM'ed you..

Anyone else in the area let me know!!