Apparently i'm crazy, but wont give up! (ice riding)


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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So a couple of days ago, i walked outside getting ready to leave for work and it was pleasantly warm out (40F)...sooooo, like any sane person would do, i decided i'd take the bike :D
After being at work for a while and being accused of insanity, (it had gotten slightly chillier (38ish?) and it was break time... decided to go for a ride...

Wonderful what a bike can do, even in western NY in December, it clears your mind , gives you peace, and, when you flip the visor up makes your face rather cold and wet (it had started raining at this point). Back in work i decided my excuse was that my bike was my substitute for caffeine (been 12 hour days 3rd shift-6pm to 6:30 am)... anyways...10 hours later and i went out for the ride home... noticed it was a bit colder than earlier but had no way of telling how cold.

So i departed, and first thing in the back of my mind was that it could be cold enough for ice, so i took it easy, and avoided shiny spots in the road. That being said when i left the town my job is in where it turns to 55 from 30, i had wheelspin that wouldn't have happened under normal circumstances, so that woke me up :spank:

I've come to be known as "the kid who rides the motorcycle" at work, now i've added "crazy" to that repertoire... eh, whatever, if this is crazy than crazy is fun :D

Anyways, glad i rode to work, even in the treacherous conditions :rolleyes:

There's nothing like a bike, no substitute, not even in December :D
Hang in there brother I'm the same way only about 1000miles south, and as of now my bike is the only vehicle I can legally ride, I won't get into details but for insurance reasons
Right there with ya brother Fz is my only way to work otherwise I'd have to wake the kids and wife get them ready and get dropped off at work and all that would have to happen before 5am
Be careful this time of the year there's a fine line between crazy and stupid. Hate to come here and read how you're in the hospital and your bike is totaled.
You're not the only crazy MC rider out there. Went Christmas shopping on mine last night. I only rode once in the snow last year, luckily the ground was warm enough to melt the snow, but what a cautious ride home
I ride every day it doesn't rain, no matter the temperature (unless I need to haul something that won't bungee to the rear seat). The coldest I've ridden in was 14 degrees F on my Road Star w/ no windshield, but it usually doesn't get below 25 here. I guess it's in by blood, my Dad used to ride his '70 Bonneville in Germany as low as -5F! And that's before Thinsulate was invented!
I love of hardcore riders.

Make sure you're geared up from head to toe, the likely hood that you will take a spill increases significantly when you choose to ride in less than ideal conditions.
+1 for below 0c riding. Don't let vanity stop you from waving cages past you, and if your late for work it's better than just being "The late ( insert name here)".

It is a great way horn your smooth control of throttle and break(rear) control.
I won't ride in laying snow with road tyres, or any tyres when there is sheet ice on the road, but the rest of the time I'l give it a go.

Stay safe and don't do anything quick, and enjoy them ass pucker moments;)
My buddy and I ride to school as long as its 20 or above. Well and no ice of course. I have to say, at 20 degrees its amazing how cold any exposed skin gets. But, being able to park right up front and sleep in an extra 20 min is well worth it :D
Eh, no biggie, I ride in the snow to work plenty.

um make it more like 4 months. lol Although this winter has been great for riding! Well except for the snow plowing business I have....
I ride every day it doesn't rain, no matter the temperature (unless I need to haul something that won't bungee to the rear seat). The coldest I've ridden in was 14 degrees F on my Road Star w/ no windshield, but it usually doesn't get below 25 here. I guess it's in by blood, my Dad used to ride his '70 Bonneville in Germany as low as -5F! And that's before Thinsulate was invented!

unless you're getting paid very handsomely to test snow tires, studs, or ER response times, i see absolutely no benefit in riding in those temperatures.
unless you're getting paid very handsomely to test snow tires, studs, or ER response times, i see absolutely no benefit in riding in those temperatures.

If you have the gear, like obviously he does, and I do as well, then why not? It's not for everybody but I love the cold and ride the same as him, everyday rain or shine, hell or high water. The only thing that would stop me from riding would be the roads iced up
I don't think that's crazy at all!
Here in Greece where I work, a couple of weeks ago it was snowing, about 1C (33.8 degrees Fahrenheit), but I drove here and back...
Just be careful to drive on the same tracks as the cages, since there is less likely to hit a slippery ice-patch.
Avoid the outer boundaries of the road :D
Road salt stops me from even thinking of riding in cold weather. That **** is terrible for your bike and there's no way mine will ever see it.

Luckily living in the south we have maybe 1 salt truck for every 5000miles of road lol, and they only come out when there is a real chance of the roads icing or after they have already iced over