August Scavenger Hunt ($50 Gift Certificate for winner)


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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I did NO work on this one! I got this whole list plus about 10 other items from Crabby117. Thanks a million! I won't be here to check out the new pictures from the 4th to the 13th I am going camping.

Prize info!

Bruce McCrary has donated a $50 gift certificate for Forsyth Motosports to the winner of this months hunt! Here is a bit about his shop!
It's Forsyth Motosports. You know, the one with the rotating banner and a site sponsor. The one that gave the prizes to the mileage contest winners.

We are a Yamaha - Kawasaki dealership located in Winston Salem, NC that is owned and operated by riders, racers and enthusiasts. We sponsor several local off road racers as well as a touring XC1 rider in the GNCC series. We sponsor a local STAR chapter as well as a local sport bike club.

We've hosted rides and put on stunt shows that were free to the public. We've given away t-shirts and a TTR90 at a local NASCAR venue.

Thanks Bruce! Check out his banner on the site!! His shop supports the forum...maybe we should start supporting Forsyth Motosports!

The theme is other vehicles:

-must all be the real deal, no toys, no props, no pictures, no photoshop edits
-vehicles do NOT have to be in working order
-your bike, or a piece of it, should be in the pic

-a tractor used on a farm
-a garbage or refuse truck
-a boat longer than 12 feet (longest boat will be the tie breaker, if it's obvious.)
-something horse drawn (with wheels, i.e. not a plow that's dragged); horse need not be in the picture
-a vehicle of any kind moving (towing, lifting, pushing) another vehicle of any kind
-a vintage car (1970 or older)
-a refrigerated truck
-a news vehicle w/ station call letters on it
-a vehicle w/ a flat tire
-an abandoned vehicle
-any transportation that moves by human power

I will be going camping for the next couple weeks, so if you have any questions, contact Stumbles06. He is going to look after it for me.
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Hmmm, a few of these are going to be kinda hard to get around here. I see traveling down south to NM in my future... :thumbup:
Great list Crabby117, well done. And the hunt is on... Go get 'em peoples :thumbup:


Thats not vintage............or I,m older than I thought :eek:

hehehe, I thought the same thing... I'm "Vintage"
If it was "Anything vintage", we could just get a photo of ourselves on the bike... :spank:

Thanks Steph, great work... as usual :cheer:

allright guys/gals, sombody better get to it. gonna go get some today..

btw do i get extra points or atleast cool points for getting several in one pick or for having an off the wall take on some??:rockon: i may just use it as an "extra" just cuz.

i think you guys will get a kick out of what i have planned, even if it was just for the fun of it.. and it will be fun!!!
btw do i get extra points or atleast cool points for getting several in one pick or for having an off the wall take on some??:rockon: i may just use it as an "extra" just cuz.

i think you guys will get a kick out of what i have planned, even if it was just for the fun of it.. and it will be fun!!!

Hey dude, going for it again... Excellent.

1 point per photo, so if you get 3 items in 1 photo = 1 point, if you get the same 3 items in in their own photo = 3 points. J/K mate. As long as you get all the items (or as many as possible), ya laughing mate.

"Off the wall" stuff, go for it, it's not a glamour shoot, make it as weird and wonderful as you like... Cant wait to see 'em now. :thumbup:

coming as soon as i can get photobucket to work right

pics 1, tractor (was used on farm for like 30 years and just mows grass most of the time now)
3,boat (20 ish ft)
5, somthing moving something (i think you can saftly say it can move the fz)
6,vintage car ( is dads 1963 pontiac lemans)
9,10, flat tire, abandond ( the 73' ish grand am was abandond then bought to turn into a race car (never happend) and it has flat tires)
11,human powered (my kid brothers bike (sitting on the boat)).




4,horsedrawn (a cool looking old trailer)


7,refridjerated truck


still need 2)garbage truck and 8) news vehicle
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New prize info added to the first post! Bruce (Forsyth Motosports) has donated a $50 gift certificate to the winner of the hunt!

Thanks a million Bruce, maybe it will give some people the kick in the butt they need to get their pictures posted!