Back on two wheels :)


That Romance Author Lady
Sep 26, 2011
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This week the weather smartened up, and we finally insured our bikes. Ya-hoooo! :D

Our 16-y-o son got his permit, so we put him on my Nighthawk and took him up the lake road yesterday (after taking him out other places to be sure he has a handle on things, which he does).

Now if only the darned farmers around here would stop spilling piles of grain on the freshly swept corners...
I would have loved to start riding at the age of 16. Probably good to learn at that age.
You sound like a cool mother, 16 year getting on a bike.

Can someone pleeeeeease tell my kids that? :rolleyes:

I would have loved to start riding at the age of 16. Probably good to learn at that age.

I have to say it makes me nervous. He's careful in the car, and he's been riding his bike sandwiched between his dad and me (so there's none of that rocketing around with testosterone in his gas tank), but in a few weeks he's taking his skills test and will be able to ride on his own. Although... he's also very frugal, and I have a feeling he intends to ride back and forth to school on his motorized pedal bike because it gets about a zillion miles to the gallon.
That's a great way to get him started! We did that with our 16 year old too. When he and I did the MSF course, he scored higher on the riding test than the men that had been riding H-D's for 30 years+. My son has been riding dirt bikes since 6 or 7 so he was a natural. He is cautious in the car too. Now if my husband wouldn't be such a bad influence on him. Lol The boy doesn't speed until Dad takes off. On my new bike, they don't have to wait for me as long to catch up now. Blah
Susan - Hubbie and I are heading to Vancouver on the bikes in Mid-June. Will you guys be around? Is that near you?

How's your son doing on the motorcycle?
Monica, that depends on your definition of near. We're in the Kootenays (ten or twelve hours east of Vancouver).

Sonny Boy is doing well on the bike, although he does have a bit of a dirt-biker style as he takes sharp corners in the gravel (we're quite rural here, with horrible roads around our neighborhood). At least he's doing that on my Nighthawk and not on a shiny bike. And when in town, he's much more sedate.
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