

Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
Elite Member
Nov 2, 2008
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well, its gettin kinda cold for riding, but just for the sake of knowing, anyone in the baltimore area? im about 20 min north... :thumbup:
Are you insinuating that the 08 riding season is over? It'll be in the balmy 50's by Sunday :thumbup:
The only thing keeping me off the bike these days is the rain! I'm on the VA side in the Reston area but I rode out to Shenandoah this weekend and had a nice trip. I've got some heated grips on the way which should extend the riding season too!:thumbup:
i live in annapolis. i am curious though (and was going to start a thread for riders around this area, but this should do fine) how many people winterize in this area. this is my first winter season with a bike and even though it has been butt cold already at times, i have been riding with little problem. granted, my commute is only 12 miles round trip where i wouldn't get going much past 40 mph. though on weekends i'll do an easy 50 miles for fun. in any case, i am telling myself i will ride through the winter. i have lived here my whole life and understand what kind of weather to expect. i know there will be days where ice is going to be around and of course snow, but i do not believe it will last long enough at times where the bike will have to sit for a few weeks. maybe once, but hopefully for that time i could at least put it on the center stand and gun her a little every other day or so. from what i understand, one must burn roughly a half tank a week to keep the bike healthy and therefore not have to winterize. i dunno, guess i'm fishing for thoughts here, especially the locals? it would be nice to look forward to keeping her on the road all winter, unless anyone with more experience can advise otherwise.
So...who wants to go for a ride anytime soon? This rain should be gone by saturday.

The 23rd I am going down to Norfolk and picking up a Daytona 675 for my brother. Anyone want to ride 6+ hours?
I live north of Baltimore. Don't have a FZ 6 but always up for a ride. Currently in the process of Honda Magna up and running. Most likely in a year or so I will end up with a FJR cause the wife would like to go on rides too.
haha, well this weekend is the modding weekend, puttin on the juice box, doin the duel headlight mod, and opening up my air box a little more (already opened it pretty good, but with more fuel needs more air!) so im out for the weekend... i usually ride local or up north to PA, any of you got spots you hit often?
I live north of Baltimore. Don't have a FZ 6 but always up for a ride. Currently in the process of Honda Magna up and running. Most likely in a year or so I will end up with a FJR cause the wife would like to go on rides too.

Ol' perryville huh? my wife use to teach at the high school. we are down in riverside now (exit 80 off 95)