black substance on oil filter


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Jul 2, 2011
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cisco, tx
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Ok, so the other day I noticed that I have this black greasey oily substance running down my oil filter. It looks like it starts on top and runs down the front and sides... Any ideas?
It's caked up chain lube!!

If you were to remove the plastic cover (located directly above the filter) that protects the front sprocket you will probably see a build up there. Chain lube collects here from centrifical force and eventually will leach onto the oil filter
Some one had said to lube about every 600 miles... Lol ill go longer. I was thinking that was what it looked like. I ride 100 miles every day to work. Is this gona cause a problem?
Actually the recommendation is 3 to 400 miles. Probably a safer bet to use the normal amount of lube at the recommended interval but make it a maintenance task to remove the cover and clean inside there once per season. There's 3 allen bolts holding it on and the cover is easily wiggled around the shifter linkage. Takes all of 10 minutes to remove clean and replace.

And oh yeah, btw.. found this out first hand yesterday.
It shouldn't cause any problem.BUT like has been said give it a clen once in a while. you'll find all sorts of dust and small stones in it from the road.:thumbup:
Too much lube only wastes $. I would error on lubing it lighter more often.

btw, I had 4.5 years of grease buildup on the inside of that cover on mine. Not a terrible mess but in serious need of attention just the same.

Also, plan on cleaning your chain once or twice a season. Kerosene and a grunge brush (google it) works great. Another easy maintenance item that will help your chain last longer