Boneman - best wishes please.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
Hello all,

This is Mrs. Boneman - Jill. Just got a call that he is in Vancouver Hospital after someone turned into him :eek:. He had just completed a 1200 km ride this weekend with his two buddies (all over the interior of BC) and was on his way home. He is OK: Helmet was intact and he is conscious and alert. More info to come but I though on top of Pete's downer you should all be extra alert!

Thanks all,
Jill, Scootergal125, :(
Thank you Jill! Sorry to hear about his mishap. :eek: Best wishes to you both!
Please keep us informed and convey my best to him.
Hello all,

This is Mrs. Boneman - Jill. Just got a call that he is in Vancouver Hospital after someone turned into him :eek:. He had just completed a 1200 km ride this weekend with his two buddies (all over the interior of BC) and was on his way home. He is OK: Helmet was intact and he is conscious and alert. More info to come but I though on top of Pete's downer you should all be extra alert!

Thanks all,
Jill, Scootergal125, :(

Oh geez,

It's never good to hear of somebody going down, and especially worse when it wasn't their fault.

On the plus side, I'm glad to hear he's OK, heres hoping for a speedy recovery :D

Best wishes Jill and Pete
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Thanks for letting us know.

Please forward all our bestwishes to him.

Jill, if you don't mind, I'll move this thread to the general forum so everyone can see it.

Thanks, Karen
I'm so sorry to hear that he was in an accident, but I'm glad to hear that he is ok, thank goodness he was wear proper gear. May God be with you both as you are going through the recovery. I'll say a prayer for a speedy recovery.
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I hate seeing this kind of news posts esp. to someone we know around here. Thanks for letting us know. We're thinking about you'all and hoping he gets well soon.

Take care,

Hope everything turns around for him quickly. Thanks for the heads-up. Glad he was not seriously injured.
I just hate this kind of news. Please, please keep us all posted as much as possible. Hoping for the best for the both of you.
I'm sorry to hear this! I will keep you both in my prayers. I hope all is well and please post an updated when you can.
Glad everything is relatively OK, hope the Boneman is getting well looked after, and will be back on here soon, tellingus his story....

Get well Buddy.

Give the Boneman our best. Odds are he'll be modding and/or improving their equipment while he's being taken care of :)
here's to a speedy recovery! I had a guy trying to pull out in front of me today. He was coming from walmart...... One long blast from the stebel and he got the clue I wasn't thrilled. People are getting more impatient, lazy, and just plain pathetic! Be safe everyone!!!!