British F1 Grand Prix


Super Member
May 27, 2007
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Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK
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Surprised I'm the first to put up a congrats notice for Lewis. Stunning drive in the wet, different league to the rest of the field.

I know this, cos' I was there. Yippee. Got GIVEN a hospitality ticket. Got bussed in, feed & watered copiously. And, a covered in-field grandstand seat on Copse.

Got soaking wet wandering around the venue in the morning. But, that didn't matter, just such an incredible atmosphere.

Ecclestone is on Planet Wacko, if he thinks that Donnington has any chance of making the necessary infra-structure changes. However, I suspect the decision is what's best for Bernie, not what's best for the sport or the fans. Sorry, rant over. :rant:
It was an exciting race..good for Hammy...the rain makes it a little more Nurburgring last year..i was there and it was crazy slipping and sliding and i saw it live
I agree completely.
And me Donny is bloody miles from me LOL.
Well done Lewis, now don't lose the plot and get all up yourself believing your own hype.
RANT over. I do really admire him, I am just a bit peeved by the number of Mediocre English sports people who think they are greater than they are.

Winning the British Grand Prix is really excellent. Winning the F1 World Championship will be heaven.

But being British he will make us suffer to the very end, I expect.
