Broken crashpad...

The R & D boys fail to take into account that we're not on the track where everything is smooth and there are not pot holes in the asphalt, curbs, barriers, and other things that create instant shear points (referring to bike sliding on the ground).

I mean, how hard is it to make it sequentially weaker so if the shear force at the tip is exceeded, the tip snaps off leaving another layer of protection. Hint - the last thing to break should be the bolt used to secure it. Cause when it snaps inside the frame as this did, the frame gets damaged. Design FAIL!

Strange how falling over snapped the bottom of the frame out.

Looking at the pictures of that bike, it didn't just fall over at a dead stop, it was moving along to separate the frame that far from the engine bolt (not that it makes a difference at this point)...

And yes, I agree, if it sticks out too much and it catches something, its got plenty of leverage (UNLESS the TOG bends) to bust a frame/engine mount (as I've seen in numerous threads, at least 5 on this forum alone)...

IMHO, I'd personally rather replace plastic than a frame/engine...

Below is a $1000 worth of parts and a couple of hours of my labor to replace (thanks to the previous owner) on my bike prior to being repaired. Cheaper (labor wise) and MUCH EASIER than replacing a frame...
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