Bummed about buying my FZ6


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Jul 17, 2009
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It's not exactly what you might think. I used to own a 90 Yamaha YZF600, and a 92 Suzuki GSXR750 which are both gone now. Both bikes were to agressive in their riding style for my taste. You don't get a test ride so if it looks cool you buy them. Big mistakes on my part even though they may be great bikes.

This time when I caught the bug I wanted a 600, with an upright riding position, I wanted close to 100hp, more of a touring bike without the massive size, guess what I bought, a 05 Yamaha FZ6 that is exactly what I wanted. I've had it a month and wish that this would've been my first bike purchase. I'm calling my Fizzzzer my first love.

What I'm bummed about was the fact that I have to sell one of my toys to buy the new toy. I'm forced to get rid of my 2002 SeaDoo GTX DI to be able to afford my bike. I have a new daughter due this month and can't take on any new debt. I will get so much more use out of the Fizzzzer, I know I did the right thing.

What does the forum think I'm sure many of you have been in similar situations. When my wife heard I wanted a bike it didn't go over well. When I told her that I would sell the Ski to get the Bike it made everything possible. You married guys know what wives can be like.

Overall I would call the Mission a sucess!
:welcome: and congrats!

Well, I am one of the lucky ones... I have a wife that loves to ride and loves to argue with sales people. So, I've had three bikes in four years as has she. :D As much as I'd like to keep a current one and get a new one, I too have had to let them go to move on to a new ride. I think the next time though, I'm keeping this one and getting a new one to add to the stable. :D
I owned a bike before I got married, 04 VTX 1300. One day I told her I was buying a FZ6. Shortly there after, I came home with one (2 bikes). She said something like, "it seems like you have more spending power that I do?" I was like and your point is??? She said she just wanted to make the statement. I told her I would sell the other and that was my plan all along. Further, I borrowed money from my side business to purchase the FZ6. I sold the VTX and paid my company back. So, that money was not even taken from what I call, our money. I guess the point I'm making, is that our circumstances are different. However, they are the same in that we choice to give something up for the FZ6. In both cases, we avoided debt...:) I have heard that many martial problems are due to finances.

You are going to love the FZ6 and as you probably know, there are tons of people on here. This forum is great place to meet people, learn new things, trouble shoot, help fixing things, and the list goes on.....

Yes, I think you made a good decision :)
I was riding bikes long before I met my wife,then she started riding too.

Along came the kids and she stopped riding ,I didn't.

I have had 3 new bikes since the kids were born .In my wifes words "If you don't ride it will just cause arguments"...........she gets me ,lol
You have to put everything in a light that is advantageous for them. I’m not just talking about wives here too of course – this works for everyone. However you have to live with your wife so its more relevant.

My wife likes my bike because:

1) Its shiny. She likes shiny.
2) Its cheaper (I’ve convinced her) than a car
3) Its quicker. I commute on the bike every day. It takes me half an hour each way. In a car it would be over an hour each way. That’s one extra hour I get to spend with her and the kids every single week day.
4) It makes me happy. She likes it when I’m happy. I buy her stuff and do the special things she likes (like letting her sleep).
5) She was into bikes long before I met her.
6) If I die on it, she gets $1million from the life insurance company ;)

The fact that its fun for me is a bonus.

However, if I tried to buy ANOTHER solo toy I’d be in big trouble.

You made the right choice there in terms of bikes and the way you handled the transaction I reckon. Same reasons I got this one and its break even right?
I'm fortunate that my wife supports my bad habit. In fact, she's bought two of my last five bikes for me. One was a birthday gift and the other was an anniversary present.
Thanks for the support guys. You definitely understand where I'm coming from, except for the guy who has a wife that loads his garage with Bikes.

Let me just add that your WIFE IS A KEEPER!!!
My G/F is just fine with my bike, it's all the mods she doesn't understand. But she doesn't complain, she just gives me that look LOL.
My Wife said "you up your life Insurance you can have a new bike" well here I am with a 06 FZ6 , and got to say Im having a blast on it , my other bike sitting in the garage is a 08 Busa covered up , (feeling guilty for the girl like im cheating on her):rolleyes:. back to the thread my wife ok with bikes as long as i come home , you got to have fun for your self ride safe and good luck with the new Baby . :thumbup:
My G/F ... she just gives me that look LOL.

mmmm wait until you are married lol

I am lucky wife into bikes big time too, she has a GSR which lives along side my FZ. If we had the money would have a garage full of bikes, but as it is we don't even have a garage :)
hahaha I thought I was the only one who had to up the life insurance to get a bike. Seems common wife practice.
I just talked to the insurance company on my day off.

I also had to up my life insurance.

It seems that many of our women are alike.
You have to put everything in a light that is advantageous for them. I’m not just talking about wives here too of course – this works for everyone. However you have to live with your wife so its more relevant.

My wife likes my bike because:

1) Its shiny. She likes shiny.
2) Its cheaper (I’ve convinced her) than a car
3) Its quicker. I commute on the bike every day. It takes me half an hour each way. In a car it would be over an hour each way. That’s one extra hour I get to spend with her and the kids every single week day.
4) It makes me happy. She likes it when I’m happy. I buy her stuff and do the special things she likes (like letting her sleep).
5) She was into bikes long before I met her.
6) If I die on it, she gets $1million from the life insurance company ;)

The fact that its fun for me is a bonus.

However, if I tried to buy ANOTHER solo toy I’d be in big trouble.

You made the right choice there in terms of bikes and the way you handled the transaction I reckon. Same reasons I got this one and its break even right?

#3 - You California riders are lucky to be able to filter through traffic. It takes me the same amount of time to commute. :(
When I got hitched I had a cruiser with rusting spokes, loud pipes and a back rest but could never get the mrs on the back.
During the wet season I didn't take it out so she bothered me to sell it one day at our garage sale.
She insisted I not get another bike but like a lot of things in our marrage she could blah, blah blah me to death all day and it didn't stop me from doing what I wanted.
I had the Fazer in the garage within months of the old ones sale. All of a sudden she wanted to ride on the new one but I informed her the rider weight on this one was lower and required her :ban: to drop a few before we could ride 2 up and that stopped her interest. :rolleyes:
Divorce attorney joke: "Counsel, why is a divorce so expensive?"
Answer: "Because it's worth it!"

Which is more important: FZ6 sitting in garage or wife in house?
Answer: FZ6!

Duh! Would a wife insist on a cowboy getting rid of his horse? Of course not! A motorcycle is equivalant of a modern day's cowboy horse.
I think you defiantly made the right choice unless you live on a lake lot. I mean you can jump on the FZ any time and away you go. The seadoo requires a plan to hook up and take it somewhere and I'm sure there is more maintenance involved with it. The bike you can plan a ride with friends or just jump on it and run to the store, a great combo of fun and function.