Cager arrested for aggresive driving toward motorcyclist

What I want to know is how the motorcyclist was able to call the police regarding this. If he pulls off and just calls 911, it becomes a case of his word vs the other guy's word. How can they convict anyone in that case unless the motorcycle had a video camera on it.
There could have been witnesses, or the guy had blue tooth helmet. Makes sense not to engage a car/truck in a road rage situation. That kind of road rage seems to make it much more of a case assault with a deadly weapon since the MC rider could get hurt much easier than the car rider. I've read that a cop will shot a car driver in an instance if a car driver threatens to run them over or hit a pedestrian cop.

All the car drive has to do is wave confirming that they goofed and go on but some people have issues.
There could have been witnesses, or the guy had blue tooth helmet. Makes sense not to engage a car/truck in a road rage situation. That kind of road rage seems to make it much more of a case assault with a deadly weapon since the MC rider could get hurt much easier than the car rider. I've read that a cop will shot a car driver in an instance if a car driver threatens to run them over or hit a pedestrian cop.

All the car drive has to do is wave confirming that they goofed and go on but some people have issues.

I'm not saying I agree with what the driver did, by any means. I'm just curious how we can prove it in a court of law. I'd hope he got witnesses or a camera on his bike or blue tooth or something.
this whole thing sounds a little weird to me.. I understand merge etc. But What other circumstances were there. Why was the bike in the far right lane? Just because he was on a bike, he gets treated differently I travel for a living numerous times people cut me off coming on, on ramps. They guy in the car could have had a bad day and the bike added to it. I'm not saying in any way what he did was right but there's always two sides to everything. Someone coming on an on ramp usually can't just stop there and wait the bike should have either sped up or slowed down and the situation would have been avoided....
this whole thing sounds a little weird to me.. I understand merge etc. But What other circumstances were there. Why was the bike in the far right lane? Just because he was on a bike, he gets treated differently I travel for a living numerous times people cut me off coming on, on ramps. They guy in the car could have had a bad day and the bike added to it. I'm not saying in any way what he did was right but there's always two sides to everything. Someone coming on an on ramp usually can't just stop there and wait the bike should have either sped up or slowed down and the situation would have been avoided....

I think the law here is, if you are merging into traffic, it is your responsiblity to merge safely. With that being said, if you can change lanes to help the person coming into traffic, please do. Here in Minnesota, I think all traffic laws went out the window. It seems like nobody follows them any more.
i'm with you on this one. i'd like to know how it'll be proven.

Helps not to think of this as a traffic case, which it isn't, it's assault. I'm sure the cops pulled the guy over, did their standard on-site interrogation, and got him to admit that he swerved at the motorcyclist. Seen it on Cops a million times. :) I'm sure that him admitting it is the only way they'd actually charge him without video proof, which the article would have mentioned.
"The driver of the other vehicle did not really care for him reminding him of that, and they actually stated that he actually swerved at him," said UHP Trooper Cameron Roden.

sounds like they got a confession to me.