Cannot BEGIN to imagine...


********* w/ Twisted Fate
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Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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I'm putting this in the bar because reading of this makes me want to drink myself into a stupor.

We've seen the news of the plane crash in Butte....

We've all lost a loved one somewhere along the path of life....

But I've got nothing but streaming tears for this man. Imagine losing all of these people in one tragic accident:

Among the mourners was Irving "Bud" Feldkamp III, who lost two daughters and five grandchildren in the crash of the plane, a single-engine Pilatus PC-12. Feldkamp was among seven owners of the plane, according to a statement from an agent of the ownership corporation.

Feldkamp had driven to the Yellowstone Club resort in Big Sky with his wife and another daughter to meet up with the group. He learned of the plane crash as he arrived.

"We were going on a vacation with all the grandkids," Feldkamp told The Associated Press. "They were all excited about skiing." At the entrance to the club, he said, he got a phone call from a nephew. "He saw it on CNN," Feldkamp said. "He said, 'Nobody survived.' We knew it was our plane."

God help this family, what is left of them.
That is an absolute tragic thing to have happen,it was reported on the news here that the plane was actually overloaded by up to four people as well .
This is all over the newspapers here, some of them are from St. Helena which is a few miles from here.

It's sad
One of the passengers was from Oroville, about 20 miles from here. They stopped for gas at Oroville Airport and one of the mechanics there told the newspaper about letting the little kids use the bathroom in his shop before they took off.

It's brutal to lose 7 relatives at once. Unfortunately that's the nature of air travel. People all want to fly together and when something goes wrong entire families can be wiped out.
One of the families was from St. Helena, just over the hills on the other side of the valley from me. This has been huge in the news around here.

Terrible tragedy, I can't imagine what the gradnfather must be going through.
At least they were all together at the end, and passed over together. I'm not religious, but I do believe we go on, and they all got to go on together.
That is an absolute tragic thing to have happen,it was reported on the news here that the plane was actually overloaded by up to four people as well .

with the sizes of the extra passengers, I doubt that really made a difference.
That plane can safely carry a considerable amount over gross under ideal conditions...It's a shame to hear that icing conditions were prevailant and that was most likely the cause of this terrible tragedy.