chain maintenance while touring


crash tested
Oct 27, 2008
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I was wondering what you folks do about chain maintenance while you're on a big trip.

How often (i.e., days, miles) do you lube and/or clean your chain?

every 300-400 km's, depending on how far ive gone that day. If its a day trip of 600, I try to spray some on when I stop for lunch or something.
and ofcourse if the roads were wet.
I just finished a two thousand mile week of touring and hard riding.
I just sprayed the chain with chain wax every day before riding, then
cleaned it real good when I got home. The chain was filthy but no problems.
I have not riden farther than a couple thousand miles on a trip.
Carrying a can of chain lube while camping on the bike was a pain for me. I'd inevitably get some on my hands and have no way to clean it off. Next time my FZ6 tours, it will have a chain oiler installed first.

Getting your chain lubed should not be a problem while out on a road trip. Just because there are so many forum members, post up that you will be passing thru:welcome:
I generally lube my chain once every 1000km, so generally when touring I'll try to do it at the end of the day so it sets up and dries for the following day. I'm not the most religious when it comes to chain maintenance, and my bike is currently at 55k km on the original chain, though it definitely needs replacement.

In my recent trip south to Deals Gap, my chain started grinding real bad due to some seized links so I ended up lubing it every 2-300km in the hopes that it wouldn't break before I got home. Chain made it home, but my clutch blew up :confused:
I just carry a small can of pj1 blue label and lube as nec only if the chain is starting to look dry and always after wet road riding - a quick look is all it takes to check it. If I can stay out of the dirt it helps a lot. :D +1 to the automatic chain oiler though.
Depending on weather I generally lube up every 500-700 Km. End of the day is best I find as the chain is warm and the lube will penetrate better... Most lubes (I use wax) suggest that the chain be warm when you put it on and then wait 15 min or so before riding...