Chased by the cops, what to do?

Red Wazp

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Mar 10, 2008
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Peardale, Ca
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OK not me, but after watching the vid of the guy on a GSXR being followed by a infrared camera I was thinking how could he hide?

First it needs to be a stolen bike so it can be ditched anywhere. Perhaps a parking garage attached to a mall so one could disappear in the crowd or at a bike show. Problem is there are camera's everywhere so is it back to the old "you can run but you can't hide"

What would you do?

Pulling over and giving up is not an option. You are a criminal!

This is just for fun- not to be tried at home!
I'd go to and ride around the closest airport. I imagine that the police plane would have to try to keep from interfering with air traffic, and could possibly loose you, in which you could randomly go some direction and get away.
NOT FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!! If you've got the balls/stupidity to ride like he was where there are tall buildings it was harder for the chopper to have a visual. Stash the bike in an alley somewhere (probably won't see it again, so don't use yours...) near a parking structure where a movie just got out or a play hit intermission, so there is a large influx of people. Simply go with the flow of people into the parking structure. Those things are hard to find your vehicle in, much less a person who's intentionally hiding. It'd take hours to clear that size structure. In that amount of time you could slip out the back or find where it attaches to something such as a mall or casino... Assuming you're not in full leathers, but rather everyday clothing you should be in the clear... HYPOTHETICALLY OF COURSE...

not that I've ever thought about it or anything...
I'd go to and ride around the closest airport. I imagine that the police plane would have to try to keep from interfering with air traffic, and could possibly loose you, in which you could randomly go some direction and get away.
That's pretty smart! And you're scaring me!! :D :D :D
I'd pull an "Italian Job" and ride it down to the subway. Since we're speaking hypothetically, of course. In my area, there are no undrground travel systems, so it would probably have to be the deep woods somewhere.
yep deep woods and put mud all over yourself. or big parking garage and put mud all over you---lol
LOL You would have to stop first.

"Looks like he is slowing, pulling off now, intersection of Rose and King. What the HELL IS THAT? Shiiii".... pssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Not that I would do it but if you want to run from the cops I suggest doing 150+ through city streets, just be sure to run every red light or stop sign.
Make darwin proud!
Ok, so first let's pretend that I'm not me. I'm Jason Statham in The Transporter. Or Jason Statham in any of the other movies where he's a badass with a fast vehicle. So pretty much assume that I'm Jason Statham.

I'm on my FZ6. My bluetooth helmet headset is linked to my cellphone, my mp3 player, my radar detectors, and my police scanner.

So I know that I'm being followed by an aircraft.

I'd go for the parking garage option. Since I'm Jason Statham, I know where all the parking garages are, and I'll be able to lowside the bike under the bar blocking the entrance to the garage. This gets me into the garage fastest.

I have already removed the VIN from my FZ6's frame, so all that is left to do is deal with the license plate. This I quickly unbolt and drop into a stormdrain.

I then find the Bugatti Veyron that is parked in the garage, and using my skills, I pick the lock and disable the alarm. A little more work, and the car is running and has been switched over to Go Fast Mode.

The cops have surrounded the parking garage, so I drive to the top of the garage, gas it, and jump off of the roof of the parking garage onto the elevated highway. I can do this because I'm Jason Statham.

I evade the cops and go to meet my super hot girlfriend, Carla Bruni. We go out to dinner. We are interrupted by ninjas attacking. I beat them up because I am Jason Statham. Then I tell Carla that I can't be with her because I am Jason Statham and Jason Statham cannot be tied down by a woman's love. But she can keep the Veyron as a momento of this, the best part of her life.

She goes on to marry the president of France, but never forgets me. I walk off and find an Ariel Atom, steal it, and go to Chuck and Cheese for pizza.

Unfortunately, I am not Jason Statham, so I'd probably pull over and take the ticket.
I was working on a computer in the middle of the police department and we were talking about motorcycles. One of the detectives asks me "Do you know what to do if you're pulled over?" I said, "No..." He replied "Ride as fast as you can." I'm positive he was joking, but I don't think they have the means to catch a motorcycle getaway since they don't have any aircraft flying around.:D
Its seems like most of the time they dont even try. Also dont turn right alot, when running most people turn right, first left and blast.

For example car vs motorcycle.

[ame=""]YouTube - Car vs Street Bike vs 500cc GP Bike[/ame]
I was thinking of trying and blending in with a crowd of other bikes. If they knew what was going on and were helpful, they could all scatter in different directions. If you were packed close enough before the scatter, they might not know which one to follow.

Now, getting a bunch of random riders to do this, I dunno.
You have to realize most police cars have cameras in them that activate when the lights are turned on. So if the cop is behind you, you're on camera.
Also most cops will run your plate BEFORE they light you up, so unless you don't have a plate or are on a stolen bike, you're screwed.

I've never heard of anyone successfully outrunning a cop, either on bike or car. You either get caught, or die.

Trying to outrun for a ticket is the stupidest thing you can do. Most people run because either they have a warrant, or they're drunk/high, in a stolen car, no license/insurance, or other criminal reason.

Ticker, jail, or death. The choice seems pretty obvious to me.
You have to realize most police cars have cameras in them that activate when the lights are turned on. So if the cop is behind you, you're on camera.
Also most cops will run your plate BEFORE they light you up, so unless you don't have a plate or are on a stolen bike, you're screwed.

I've never heard of anyone successfully outrunning a cop, either on bike or car. You either get caught, or die.

Trying to outrun for a ticket is the stupidest thing you can do. Most people run because either they have a warrant, or they're drunk/high, in a stolen car, no license/insurance, or other criminal reason.

Ticker, jail, or death. The choice seems pretty obvious to me.

This is a hypothetical, "you're a criminal, what would you do" fun thread. We all know running is stupid.

I like the missile idea...
People outrun cops in Ca more than you think due to a no chase policy in dangerous situations.

Fred is on to something close to what my 15 yr old son said.

First you are riding only with a helmet (you are a criminal so we know the gene pool) . This would make it real easy do whip into a large mall, leave the bike and ditch the helmet on the way in, pull down your hat to cover your face as you walk in. Now go
steal some different clothes, walk out and swipe the car of your choice. Just may work.

Mmmm, I better keep a closer watch on my son.

The stinger does have a way cooler end to the problem:)
[nomedia=""]YouTube - first blood chase[/nomedia] I beleive John Rambo can show us the proper technic!!!!!!.........LOL.....:rockon: