Chattanooga/North GA ride


Junior Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Chattanooga, TN
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Any of you North Georgia/East Tennessee Fizzers interested in a ride on sunday. Oogie and I are going to ride. We will plan on meeting at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitors Center parking lot 1:30-1:45ish. If anyone needs help finding this then PM me or google map it. This is not going to be a big marathon ride or anything, just a sunday jaunt to try to hit some twisties. I'm still planning the route. I will try to pre ride it before so check back saturday night if you want to know where we will be riding.
I checked the weather 36 hours ago and it said 67 for the high. Today it says 44 for the high. That sucks. I'm still gonna ride though. I think we are all ready for it to warm up.
Temps aren't looking too good,high 30's to low 40's possible flurries. Guess we can see what develops, maybe at least get to meet up for a bit and thaw out over coffee.
I hate meteorologists. They have millions of dollars of technology to play with, they still guess wrong, and they get paid to do it. Why can't i get a job where you get paid whether you get the wright answer or not.
If I don't go eat lunch with the family and chicken out due to weather, I'm game :) I wiggled out of work today so I could go riding w/the guy who bought my Bandit. He's still getting his legs under him so to speak. His confidence is building tho! I'm stoked for him. I'll check back in on the thread. Be safe you guys if the weather turns iffy.
I suppose lets play it like this. If the weather is ok for riding, then we will ride. If it is not then we can do like oogie says and go grab some coffee.

So, here is the plan. Same time/place, but if we decide against riding when we get there we can just roll over to the battlefield parkway starbucks and discuss our next ride.
Can any of you guys take off Wednesday or Thursday? Supposed to be 60 and sunny, so I may take off one day or the other and ride all day.....I can feel a bad case of Anal Myopia coming on....can't see my ass going into work.
I work for my dad, who also rides. Maybe I could talk him into riding too. If you wouldn't mind a Honda in the midst. Altho, We'll probably have plenty to do this up coming week :( We ended up taking two days off this week. I rode around Thursday and funeral today.

The weather may be too good to pass up tho! I hope to catch you guys on one of your weekend rides tho!
The more the merrier on a day to ride! Today is looking like a wash out, snow/freezing rain mix moving in by 2:00, windy as hell already. I am so ready for spring
I work a 4 day work week with Friday's off. I'm with you on the weather I commute to work on the bike but haven't gotten out yet on the weekends I'm ready for the warmer weather.