Cop needs sacking

I'd kick the crap out of the guy...not the cop. Screw the guy who drove at speeds that would have killed that black car he ran into the side of...head on would have been disaster.

screw him, he deserved it. I don't advocate violence from the LAPD, but living here in LA makes me appreciate when some dip gets what he deserves, even though now he'll probably end up with $1 million from suing for damages.

Why should this gangster get any special treatment?
while the cop was wrong for kicking him. the guy was speeding up to 80mph in residential streets. when he put other people's lives at risk like that, he got it easy with a kick.
I could not be a cop... because it would be next to impossible not to be judge and executioner - for that matter it's hard to be a good "citizen" i.e. ... I can't count how many times when I've seen a situation so stupid or threatening that .... I've thought, that Jack ass needs the "crap" kicked out of them, if only I could catch-em - then when I think about it, I realize my crown has a lot of tarnish on it and some "other" was probably thinking the same about me.
Is what happened justified, No. Does this represent all cops; my answer to this is YES, but this answer is based on occurance in the full span of all officers carriers, after all cops are not machines they are human and humans have emotional induced faults. All said "when" my next act of stupidity happens, if I'm to be accountable, I hope it's to a cop and not Joe citizen!
Do thank the media in that occurance is a whole lot less than it use to be.
The suspect broke the law and should be punished.

The cop broke the law and should be punished.


Correct. right now is a very important time for Americans to be reminded that the law is law, whether you feel like it's "fair" in that particular circumstance or not.
Reminds me of Chris Rock's "How to not get your @$$ kicked by the police" rule #3: "If the cops gotta come after you...they're bringin' an @$$ kickin' with 'em"

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police![/ame]
I am quite suprised that a few people on here agree that the villian should have got a kicking. Especially when there are often threads on here saying how obnoxious and impolite police officers are. What this officer did is way up the scale from being obnoxious.
I always looked on it that it was my job to catch criminals, it was somebody elses job judge them. I am not saying I have never had to fight criminals because I have. But this guy knew the game was up and laid down and surrendered and then got kicked. There was no immediate threat to the officer.
Showing restraint is all part of being a good police officer. I arrested a guy who went mad with a machete in a church. Luckily nobody died but there were a lot of seriously injured people. I got him to put the machete down and move away from it, lay down with hands behind his back. I cuffed him and that was it. What he had just done was immaterial, my job was to arrest him not punish him.
One night you may be the person who this type of officer stops and you will get a slap in the mouth for giving the wrong answer. It will be interesting listening to your comments then.
Violence from the guys who are supposed to be protecting you is not acceptable.