Covered Bridge Tour?


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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Just looking to see if there is interest in a New Hampshire covered bridge tour? I know of quite a few near my parents' home on the NH/VT border (and plenty on the ride up from here) and I know you can get preprinted maps that outline good routes to view all 200 (or however the heck many there are) covered bridges in the state. I was thinking a one-day event, so probably not all the bridges, but a day's worth. If we plan strategically, there might be swimming and dinner at my parents' lake house near the end of the trek.

So, who would be interested? It would have to be a weekend day, and an early leave, probably close to 7AM.
OK folks, why are the bridges covered? There's actually a very good reason for this and it has nothing to do with the elements.
if the wife lets me I would be far didn't let me go to Americade...Said I am too much of a noob :)
Count me in!

They are covered to protect the trusses from the elements so they will last longer.
Well, to avoid any confusion, this is something I have wanted to do for a while. I grew up near the country's longest covered bridge and didn't know that fact until after college. Since then, I have been hell-bent on doing a tour, being a tourist in my hometown, all that fun stuff. Anyway, since we all love polls, I will post a poll with two potential weekends (ride on saturday, rain date on sunday), and see which works best.... I'll have some more details in there too, now that I have done some real research on this idea of mine.

And no, Rob didn't know about it. He may remember I had offhandedly mentioned it once or twice, but it as always just "we should do this sometime", not "Let's do this soon." He was gone when I thought of doing it as a bike trip.
if the wife lets me I would be far didn't let me go to Americade...Said I am too much of a noob :)

Dan, if the wife is concerned, I will talk to her. I am a slow rider and I will be leading. This will be a very noob-friendly trip as you will see in the details.
Sounds good. I just hope it will be one of the weekends when I am not working. Unforunately, I work a bunch of weekends. 8-(
Is this Saturday too early to propose? I know there is a birthday party she wants to go to in Windham, NH in the PM, so maybe I could talk her into me going...
Sounds good. I just hope it will be one of the weekends when I am not working. Unforunately, I work a bunch of weekends. 8-(
Is this Saturday too early to propose? I know there is a birthday party she wants to go to in Windham, NH in the PM, so maybe I could talk her into me going...

This Saturday is not good for me, next weekend is a race weekend, the weekend after that is a bridal shower (and I have to go, I am a bridesmaid). I don't know why I skipped over the 28th or 29th of June.....check out my poll options.
If the ride is going to be in the "tame" side, then I would be interested. I don't mind a little spirited riding if the roads are right for it, but am definately not up for a crazy fast group ride.

When I started riding in 2002 on my SV650, after I had about a thousand miles riding experience, I went on a group ride with a bunch of middle age techo-geek sportbike riders (much like myself). The group took off like a bat out of hell down narrow country back roads. I tried to keep up but when I passed 100 mph and the group was pulling away at least 25 mph faster I gave up, and figured it would be a nice day riding solo. They ended up waiting for me and I found a couple of other riders in the group to ride with who were also not up for the pace, but it was a real eye opener. These guys all knew I was a noobie.

I have pretty much avoided riding in "sport-bike" groups since.

I am not available July 5-6 but am most other weekends in June and July.

I am with you - I have two kids and am a physician, so would only ride responsibly with ATGATT and close to the speed limit. When I was a teenager I did enough of my foolish driving. If I want speed, I can visit my sister in Germany and drive fast legally. So far, 155mph was the fastest in an S500. Nothing like being passed at 150mph by a yellow Ferrari F355...:cool:
It would be great to finally put some faces to the names!
This Saturday is not good for me, next weekend is a race weekend, the weekend after that is a bridal shower (and I have to go, I am a bridesmaid). I don't know why I skipped over the 28th or 29th of June.....check out my poll options.

You wisely skipped over that weekend because it's my anniversary AND the Cup race at Loudon where I'll be watching from the main grandstand! :D