Covered Bridge Tour?

We'll probably stay at the Days Inn too, we'll look for you, but we will be pulling in late (9:00-10:00)

We should be there by about 8pm ourselves. Rob, we're going to eat before we come because of her diabetes... she wouldn't last that long. Maybe we can all meet for a beer after 10pm?
We should be there by about 8pm ourselves. Rob, we're going to eat before we come because of her diabetes... she wouldn't last that long. Maybe we can all meet for a beer after 10pm?

any favorite styles of beer you prefer, let me know, I have a good selection in the fridge, I will bring a few homebrews along.

Can't wait to meet you all.

any favorite styles of beer you prefer, let me know, I have a good selection in the fridge, I will bring a few homebrews along.

Can't wait to meet you all.


Ahhh... I'm open for any micro brews. The only commercial beer I enjoy is Sam's. It's going to be nice to meet everyone I have yet to meet! Michele and I know only Rob and Keira at this point. See you tomorrow night!! :thumbup:
1) Keira (Keira)
2) Rob (reiobard)
3) Eric (FZ6inNH)
4) Michele (Mrs. FZ6inNH)
5) John (JohnP)
6) Chuck (Chuckfz6ryder)
7) Sandy (Mrs. Ninja Chuckfz6ryder)
8) Dani
I'll be there. Will be by far my longest motorcycle ride. I'll be coming from 76 miles away Sat morning.
Thanks, Dani! For any who are coming, please fill this in. We will be leaving 8AM, that means gassed, geared and ready to ride. If you know you are running late, please try to reach me via pm before 7AM, or call my on my cell (603)682-6063.

1) Keira (Keira)
2) Rob (reiobard)
3) Eric (FZ6inNH)
4) Michele (Mrs. FZ6inNH)
5) John (JohnP)
6) Chuck (Chuckfz6ryder)
7) Sandy (Mrs. Ninja Chuckfz6ryder)
8) Dani (dankatz)

And for those who wish to know the route, it is up and ready (I would have been done hours ago, but our internet fugged up):

from:RT-3A @43.175984, -71.529618 to:newmarket rd warner nh to:center rd bradford nh to:Brook Rd @43.338341, -72.098360 to:Brook Rd @43.323344, -72.101104 to:corbin rd newport nh to:chandler mill rd newport nh to:Chandler Mill Rd @43.358074, -72.2494

I don't have every detail on there, as I am fairly familiar with the area. It is just over 4 hours driving time. I figure with 15 minute stops at each bridge (maybe more for some, less for others) and an hour for lunch (most likely in Newport or Claremont), it should be roughly a 7.5 - 8 hour day. So, plenty of time for lollygagging, or getting home to a nice hot meal.

Oh yeah, bring your bathing suits, just in case. ;)
We should be there by about 8pm ourselves. Rob, we're going to eat before we come because of her diabetes... she wouldn't last that long. Maybe we can all meet for a beer after 10pm?

sure, everyone is welcome here for a bit, or we can meet you all down at the Days if that is easier for everyone. Let us know and we can PM you an address (and/or directions) before you all leave tomorrow night.
Want to meet at the Days Inn? Or someplace very close to it?

Looks like a great route! Thanks Keira!
Want to meet at the Days Inn? Or someplace very close to it?

Looks like a great route! Thanks Keira!

We can certainly meet at the Days inn, we will bring the car and have a few beers either hanging out in someones room, or we could head somewhere close by. it is up to you guys, so just let us know to bring a few for ourselves or bring or ID's to head out for a bit ;)

I also have not head from ANT_MB, I PMed him yesterday so i hope he got it.
Looks like a great route! Thanks Keira!

No problem, sorry I hadn't gotten to it sooner. The sad thing is, I know the way pretty well, so it was in my head already, I just needed to know exactly where the bridges were. Sometimes it's hard to make a fun route when you know the roads from childhood. We can fudge through it if it seems to be taking forever, and skip a couple if people want, although there are two on a road that is sometimes unpassable that we may be forced to walk to or skip....hopefully I'll get a chance to prerun it (or parts of it) today to check out conditions.
Have you guys confirmed the date? I been looking through the posts and haven't seen it?:confused:
Also sounds like we will be meeting up with some folks that will be in town tonight at the Days in (right off the same exit as the meeting spot) at some point. If you are going to be in town then PM me and i will give you my cell to call us to meet up!

we also have some couch/floor space if anyone needs a place to crash tonight... and isn't allergic to cats
Left at 6:30am, got home at 8:40pm. 342 miles of pure pleasure. It was nice meeting everybody and thanks for all the well need advise for this noob!
Left at 6:30am, got home at 8:40pm. 342 miles of pure pleasure. It was nice meeting everybody and thanks for all the well need advise for this noob!

Did you ride directly from home? or did you find a place to stay near Concord? Just curious, we are about 2 hours south of Boston.. ovah the bridge. hehe
I came directly from home and so did JohnP. Chuck/Sandy and Eric/Michele stayed in Concord the night before which I think was the wise thing to do. I just had plans last night and have to be at work tomorrow morning, so I couldn't.
We're home! Glad you made it safe! That's a long day Dani for a first time group ride! You did well! It was certainly a pleasure to meet you!

I'll have some pics up later tonight or tomorrow.

Take care!!
Embarrassing moments on the ride home

I had a couple of "interesting" moments on the ride home from the covered bridge tour. Since we were quite a ways from Bow Junction, I decided to slab it on Rts 93/101/95 to Newburyport. Coming down Rt. 93 I was cruising about 80mph and I came upon and passed a cruiser and sport bike riding together. As I passed them the guy on the sport bike started riding in "formation" with me, leaving the cruiser behind. Now this was a 16-17 year old kid, in a T-Shirt and skull cap riding a Ducati Red 1000S. It looked brand new. He was clearly having fun hitching up with other bikes on the highway, which didn't bother me as long as he didn't do anything stupid. We rode together right up to the toll booths on 93. Both the Ducati and the Harley were in line behind me at the booth. As I left the toll booth I stalled the FZ-6, quickly got it started and took off like a bat-out-of-hell :D I didn't see either of them again. The 16 year old kid is still probably laughing at me :Flip:

However, this was nothing compared to embarrassing moment #2. Fortunately I was not on the receiving end of this one. By the time I got to Newburyport it was a complete zoo with traffic. I found a nice parking spot in the closest parking lot that only a bike could squeeze into. :rockon: Just as I was getting off my bike, two female Harley riders were just leaving the parking lot. Like I said, traffic was nutty with cars and people, hundreds of people, there. Just as the Harleys turn out of the parking lot, one of the woman drops her bike. Not sure what kind it was, but it was a big bike. And she didn't just drop it, she went down pretty hard, in the middle of about 4-5 cars. I immediately ran over and helped her out. We got the bike picked up, but it wouldn't start, as the engine was flooded. So we pushed it over to the side. The driver was tiny, just able to reach the ground with her tip toes. As we were pushing the bike to the side of the road, she told me she had also dropped it while she was in the parking lot! Holy cow...time to get a smaller bike!

She got the bike going and left without further incident. I hope she got home ok.

So I had a little excitement yesterday after the ride.

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