crashed this morning...

Did some research and found out:

all the plastics that need to be replaced = $171 :Flip:

new givi engine gaurds = $160

new rear axle slider = $20

my arms, legs, head, and life was saved= priceless!
my adrenaline was pumping but now i feel like ****

Adrenaline is incredible, 5mins after my accident I'm walking around rolling a smoke and bemoaning the damage to my armour and leathers, 2hrs later my broken elbow and leg are in plaster lol. Glad you're ok m8!!!!

Did some research and found out:

all the plastics that need to be replaced = $171 :Flip:

new givi engine gaurds = $160

new rear axle slider = $20

my arms, legs, head, and life was saved= priceless!

Priceless is right and that's a good price on the plastics as well
Good to hear you are ok, anthony! I rode to work yesterday, when I came out of the gym on base it was snowing:eek:

Took it slow going home.
Glad to hear your ok man i just wrecked my FZ6 2 months ago and i got to say it really does suck least you were wearing protective gear and same for your bike, when i wrecked i was being fin retarded and not wearing anything protective but a helmet glad i landed in a ditch and not the road or other obstacle.

Hope you have a quick recovery.
Good to hear your relatively alright, but just like most have mentioned. Have it looked at. My colleague fell a few months ago and his leg was caught underneath while the bike slide several yards.
He refused to go to the ER that day even though his leg was clearly swollen.
His knee pops when he walks and he always have a gimp now. Clearly it seems he f*cked up his ACL and may require surgical intervention, but he doesn't want to be out of work.
Not sure the fine details of your fall, but it certainly pays to see a doctor.
Take care of yourself, the bike can always be fixed or replaced.
BTW, I believe I still have my left pod when I fell back in '07. You can have it if you want but you'll have to paint it.... it belongs to the fastest blue FZ6 :BLAA:.
I just need to double check it's for the left side.

I just check my pod and it is for the left side, minor cosmetic damage. Some autobody putty and fine grit paper should fix and black paint to match your
'05 FZ6. It is for an '07 but my understanding it should fit. Let me know if your interested, I can always take a pm you a picture. I also replaced the handle thingamajig and I may be willing to part with it, that has even less damage than the pod. But I believe that part on your bike was undamaged?!
Dang! Glad to hear you are basically okay. Don't ignore any weird pains, get them checked out. If you're light headed or dizzy, go to the doc right away.

Hope you can patch up your bike. But take care of YOU!
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT... im still very upset but happy it wasnt any worse!

So the left leg hurts just medial and superior to the achilles tendon, and only during dorsiflexion of the ankle? What about when you actively plantarflex the ankle (ie: push your toes down)? Either way, it could just be a bruised bit of muscle or a strain/sprain. I'd just take it easy on it for a week or two, then start some alphabet exercises where you spell the letters of the alphabet with your toes in air, then do them dislexically. This will help regain range of motion in your ankle and improve stability of the ankle by strengthening the surrounding musculature.

His knee pops when he walks and he always have a gimp now. Clearly it seems he f*cked up his ACL and may require surgical intervention, but he doesn't want to be out of work.
Not sure the fine details of your fall, but it certainly pays to see a doctor.

I'd actually venture your friend tore a meniscus, not his ACL. ACL's don't make noise, they just tear and hurt like hell. A torn meniscus will click and pop, and even occassionally lock up the knee. He ought to get that checked out before a small tear turns into a really big tear.
I just check my pod and it is for the left side, minor cosmetic damage. Some autobody putty and fine grit paper should fix and black paint to match your
'05 FZ6. It is for an '07 but my understanding it should fit. Let me know if your interested, I can always take a pm you a picture. I also replaced the handle thingamajig and I may be willing to part with it, that has even less damage than the pod. But I believe that part on your bike was undamaged?!

thanks man! can you pm me a pic of the pod ... if its too much work the pod is only $24 new

So the left leg hurts just medial and superior to the achilles tendon, and only during dorsiflexion of the ankle? What about when you actively plantarflex the ankle (ie: push your toes down)? Either way, it could just be a bruised bit of muscle or a strain/sprain. I'd just take it easy on it for a week or two, then start some alphabet exercises where you spell the letters of the alphabet with your toes in air, then do them dislexically. This will help regain range of motion in your ankle and improve stability of the ankle by strengthening the surrounding musculature.

i just woke up n my leg is a little better(no bruising yet)...theres still pain and now i feel pain on the posterior/ medial part of my thigh i can barely lift my leg a ft off the ground w/o it hurting.. im having trouble walkin up stairs but i can definitely gunna stay off my leg n set up an appt w my doc tomm

ill try those alphabet exercises and thanks man!
when i fell i went to the hospital, had my arm looked at, afterwards went to the doctor to have my foot looked at. What i didn't bother was my hip, my pants were damaged but i didn't feel any pain or anything so that was nice.

... under 3 weeks later i fell with my bicycle in a really stupid way (got stuck in the tramrails, one of those things that happens about every 5 years to anybody who lives in a city :p) Long story short, ended up 5 days in the hospital and 3 weeks recovery with a hipfracture which docters found very strange to be the result of my bicycle-fall (alone). I still get a reminder of this every time i get off my bike after a long ride...

sooooo ... have everything looked at and don't put any extra stress on your leg for the comming weeks
glad you made it out relatively intact, anthony! hope you and the bike get well soon!
Like everyone else who has commented, glad to hear that you're okay. That must have been terrifying to see the Civic coming at you as you're sliding across the road! Take it easy and don't stress too much about the bike.
rode to school this morning about 37F...about a mile away from my house im behind a truck goin about 30-35..the truck is making a left turn and i pass it on its right side...there was a pot hole full of water ... when i hit it the front wheel slipped and the bike slide on its left side about 30ft b4 hitting the side walk! i saw it slide into the next lane w sparks flying! i am ok my gear saved my upper body my boots saved my ankles. but my left leg must have got caught somewhere cuz it hurts like hell!

the bike is only cosmetically damaged. i'll post up pix later

my givi engine gaurds caught most of the damage and my rear axle sliders saved the rear end.

im out a left side pod and the front left side by the head light is F'd up

IM GLAD IM ALIVE BC ALL I SEE WHEN IM SLIDING IS A PURPLE CIVIC COMING RIGHT AT ME. he stopped literally a ft away from me. I don't know if i should be sad for my bike or happy im alive. ATGATT!
the guy in the purple civic helped me out get my bike up. i went to adrenaline was pumping but now i feel like ****

you rode the bike away = win

you posted for us to use your perspective and live = win

you're alive, hurting, and thinking about it = win

the bike is just another 'thing'.
Glad to hear that you are OK! Go to the doctor, sir!

ATGATT - way, way better than skin grafts.