crashed this morning...


Manly Man Member
Feb 20, 2011
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rode to school this morning about 37F...about a mile away from my house im behind a truck goin about 30-35..the truck is making a left turn and i pass it on its right side...there was a pot hole full of water ... when i hit it the front wheel slipped and the bike slide on its left side about 30ft b4 hitting the side walk! i saw it slide into the next lane w sparks flying! i am ok my gear saved my upper body my boots saved my ankles. but my left leg must have got caught somewhere cuz it hurts like hell!

the bike is only cosmetically damaged. i'll post up pix later

my givi engine gaurds caught most of the damage and my rear axle sliders saved the rear end.

im out a left side pod and the front left side by the head light is F'd up

IM GLAD IM ALIVE BC ALL I SEE WHEN IM SLIDING IS A PURPLE CIVIC COMING RIGHT AT ME. he stopped literally a ft away from me. I don't know if i should be sad for my bike or happy im alive. ATGATT!
the guy in the purple civic helped me out get my bike up. i went to adrenaline was pumping but now i feel like ****
Wow, glad to hear that you are realative OK. You should though check your leg so it´s nothing is damaged. The bike can always be repaird but you cant.
I feel you, not sure where you are, but in Brooklyn, those potholes have a mission to KO you. Very happy everything ended up relatively good (for you and the bike).

Contrary to myth, NYC people do offer help however (as long as they're not in a minivan or suburban, in which case they'll finish you off).

Wish you a quick recovery!
Sorry to hear about that - glad you're mostly intact!
Thankfully both of you had good gear on!!!
As Lytehouse mentioned, you really ought to get checked out. Adrenaline will mask all sorts of injuries, as you are experiencing currently.

1. How does your helmet look? Any scratches, dents, divits? Do you have a headache afterward, any loss of consciousness, any trouble remembering details of the events or what happened just before or after?

2. Any extremity pain? Difficulty bearing weight on either leg? Where is the pain and what exacerbates it?

3. Any weird numbess or tingling?

PM me if you'd like to chat privately.

Dr. Rob
Damn, Anthony.. that sucks! Very happy to hear you're not badly hurt and there's only minor damage to the bike. Definitely a good idea to get your leg checked out.
Glad your okay! :rockon: Don't worry about the bike. It doesn't work well with out you! :D
Sorry to hear about your off :( glad that you're relatively OK (all things considered), your bike can always be replaced/repaired.

Take it easy.
Yeah, sorry to hear about the spill but glad you came out OK for it. I'm now afraid to take my bike out after hearing about all the spills lately. It's 52 and breezy here near Austin today.
The aftermath






THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT... im still very upset but happy it wasnt any worse!

As Lytehouse mentioned, you really ought to get checked out. Adrenaline will mask all sorts of injuries, as you are experiencing currently.

1. How does your helmet look? not a scratchAny scratches, dents, divits? Do you have a headache afterward, any loss of consciousness, any trouble remembering details of the events or what happened just before or after?was a little dizzy but im ok now..i remember every detail of the crash

2. Any extremity pain? my nuts lol (seriously tho) Difficulty bearing weight on either leg? no Where is the pain and what exacerbates it? back of left lower leg (more medial) above the achilles tendon i feel it more when i dorsiflex my foot

3. Any weird numbess or tingling? no

PM me if you'd like to chat privately.

Dr. Rob(thanks dr. rob!)
Man...I hate to hear about ANYONE going down, but I'm glad it all looks cosmetic. Get that leg checked and like the Doc asked...hows that helmet (and the head it was protecting)?

Peace be with you Brotha!
Glad to hear you're ok !!!

I know that when i fell i did end up paying a lot in plastic parts but in a way i was happy to pay it because i got out in one piece (well, appart from some stitches, but scars are cool ;) ) ... so just keep that in mind when you get the bill from the shop.