Deals Gap with family and my Naked 2007 FZ6

Oops, I shouldn't have assumed it was your first trip. Yeah, I'm only a couple hours away myself, so I really have 0 excuse. Of course, I can hit the fun part of "The Snake" in about 20 minutes, so I guess I'm lucky.

421 The Snake Day Trip 1 - Ride "The Snake", Stay in one our mountain log cabins, or the house on Watauga Lake

Eh, no biggie! I think I mentioned this will be my 3rd trip down. This will make once each of the last 3 years, but this one is much earlier in the year than either of the other two, so I'm hoping to head back down that way in August or September.

The first trip was a meet (as is the one this weekend) and the one last year was the PJ's customer appreciation rally. I'm extremely lucky in that I live about 20 minutes from PJ and Paige (yep, of PJ's and get to ride with them on a semi-regular basis. Guys, you want to see some amazing riders? PJ and Paige are, by far, the best street riders I've ever had the privilege of riding with! I've learned so much from them about the technical parts of riding...they've been invaluable!

I've never had the chance to ride The Snake...that's definitely something I want to do sometime. Last trip down to the Gap was the first time I got to ride the, what a great road that is! Other than getting soaked coming back from Tellico Plains, I had a blast. Heck, I had a blast anyway! :D

*edit* I'd forgotten that The Snake is US 421. If you follow that north, all the way up into central Kentucky, it runs right through my hometown of Frankfort. There's some nice curvy sections up here, but nothing like the part known as The Snake. I really need to hit that sometime!
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Hey Angel, sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. No, I rode down on my own and stayed with a friend in Winston-Salem over night. They trailored their bikes down. Going again in August I think.
I do have this trip pending!!!!!!! But I'm about 650 miles away.

I've done around 200 miles in one day, but I'm far from doing over 600!!!!!

I have the idea of getting a trailer since that way it will be possible to only need 2 days to go back and forth. If I do that on the bike I might need twice that much.

After the change of contract our vacations were cut and now it is PTO.

Either way, I'd really like to go there sometime.

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