Do you nod/wave to scooters?

Do you nod/wave to scooter riders?

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I don't bother with most of them. We have a college nearby and lots of kids ride those little 150cc city scooters around. They wear t-shirts, sandals, and shorts while they scoot around town. I just think "get out of the way, a REAL motorcycle is coming through."
Do I wave to them. No; there are far too many in London, they make a horrible whining noise and the small ones get in the way when I am on my pushbike. Besides, I tried to ride a maxi scooter recently and every time I came to a halt I locked the back wheel...
I thought I'd bring this up as I nodded to a scooter today on the way home (it was dark and it had dual headlights) and I thought to myself "Damn! Now the damn squid will feel good". As you can tell I do NOT nod to scooters! :D

I know there are a couple of threads on this sort of subject already (here and here) but this is from the point of view of "I hate scooter riders and I wonder if everyone else does".

There is also already a mention of the great youtube clip below done by mordeath, but I think it's something worth watching if you didn't see the earlier threads. Quite a few of his other vids are quite interesting too.

I know we were all young once and I once owned a scooter when I was about 14 or 15 (years and years ago). But I only rode it at low speeds very safely in the little village I used to live in. It bought it with a decent helmet that was worth more than £50 on it's own, cleaned and painted the wheels and sold it a year later for £100. :rockon:

Oh yeah, and everyone MUST read this post about nods from people riding a Goldwing! :Flip: The wave of the motorcyclist (idea)

Since getting a scooter, its like I'm on a sportbike again - no (well few) nods from the cruiser folks but I still get nods from the average rider. I wave regardless, could care less if they wave at me - :thumbup:
I voted sometimes.

I'm of two views on this subject....and what I say here can also be applied to motorcycles as well.

One, much like Fred pointed out, they share the same risks (possibly more) as we do. Some are also out in the pouring rain and cold weather. That alone deserves a nod and sometimes I give one.

However, that being said, there are some that clearly do not belong on a two wheeled vehilce of any type. Those are the ones who I don't bother acknowledging. Those would one who:

- Use a bicycle helmet or snowbaording helmet as head protection (nor is it legal) See it all the time.
- Haven't the first f*cking clue on proper riding/lane positions and rules of the road (riding in bike lanes, non existant lane positioning, etc.)
- A ski jacket and mittens do not make proper riding/safety gear.
- Think it's a big 'toy' and have no clue that dumping their scooter even at 30Km/Hr is still gonna really hurt them!
- Think a 50cc scooter is allowed on the highways and tries to ride on them.

I guess it comes down to the rider. Some, like my wife, go the safe and proper route. Motorcycle safety course, proper riding gear, lots of parking lot practice and all just for riding a 50cc scooter. My wife used to ride a 50cc then went up to a 125cc scooter. She put a lot of time (and money) into learning how to ride correctly and safely. When I rode with her, I usually let her do the waving to other scooters and I would follow suit.

Then there are the scooterists who have no clue about "the wave". Or they are too petrified to take a hand of the controls!

The Scooter - Motorcycle Relationship Explained - By Boneman

My wife (being a scooter rider) and me (being a motorcycle rider) have had many a discussion on this very topic. This is what I've come up with.

I think to a large degree that is the main issue why most motrocyclist don't wave to beacue they didn't have to put any extra time or effort into being able to ride a scooter. At the minimum, motorcyclists have to take a written learners exam to get a learners permit. Then have to do a skills and road test, regardless of taking any additional (and costly) MSF courses or training. Add to that the cost of proper riding gear and the cost of even an entry level motorcycle and the average motorcyclist has had to invest a considerable amount more time, effort and money to now share the road with someone who just walked into a scooter dealership and rode away on a new scooter!

It boggles my mind how a drivers license is somehow enough for any Joe Shmo to suddenly be able to ride a scooter! Some serious changes have to be made regarding this. How can being licensed to operate a 4 wheeled, several thousand pound vehicle automatically give one the knowledge and skills needed for riding a two wheeled vehicle in traffic?!?!? Make absolutely no sense to me....but that's a rant for another topic :)

And here is where what I believe lies the basis of the 'resentment' (for lack of a better word) toward scooters from motorcyclists. They got to take the 'easy way' and motorcyclists have to 'work' a little harder to be on the same road.

My Million Dollar Analogy:

To me it's like giving a "good job" wave to the guy who you know cheated on an exam and aced it, while you paid for a tutor and spent the last two weeks of your life cramming and pulling 18hour days studding your ass off just to pass the same test.

...just my view. :thumbup:
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Boneman - Along the same lines is all the extra gear moto riders put on (hopefully). I never just hop on with flip-flops and an open face helmet like all the scooter riders do. It's also much easier to hurt yourself on a motorcycle. A machine like ours that can go 0-60 in the blink of an eye takes a lot more skill and demands much more of the rider than a little putt-putt that can't even make it onto the freeway.
And here is where what I believe lies the basis of the 'resentment' (for lack of a better word) toward scooters from motorcyclists. They got to take the 'easy way' and motorcyclists have to 'work' a little harder to be on the same road.
I gotta say I agree with ALL that. I especially like this bit. Of course, we get to have a lot more fun than the scooter guys do! And it's a lot safer for us!

I rode my old GPZ500S to get the tyres pumped up before I sell it tomorrow. It made me very happy I upgraded to the FZ6. The main things I noticed:-
My nads don't get totally crushed on the FZ6! :)
The FZ6 is MUCH higher than the GPZ. :(
The seating position on the FZ6 is waaaay more relaxed than the GPZ. :)
The GPZ is quite a bit lighter and lower than the FZ6. :(
The power on the GPZ doesn't go nearly far enough. :)
The seat on the GPZ is soooo much more comfy than the FZ6. :(
The brakes on the GPZ suck compared to the FZ6. :)
I use quite a bit more fuel with the FZ6. :(
Although the GPZ looks good, the FZ6 looks much more sexy. :)

The scooter is a further step down from this. I remember when I had one when I was 14 (more than 10 years ago) and had a scooter and I wasn't happy riding it for more than 20-30mph. Just didn't feel safe perched on it!

Read the first couple of posts and no more!

I ride a GS500 (country riding) and a 200cc Aprilla Scooter (auto, in the city).

I started on the Scooter 2 years ago (on L's) and got the GS 12 mths ago. In 12 days time I pick up my FZ by trading the GS (not the scooter!). I am keeping my scooter. I love it! It horses for courses! Who wants to ride a beautiful bike (not scooter) around the city at 30 mph (if you're lucky), dodging crazy cagers, when its meant for the open road at a guaranteed 60mph minimum?

For goodness sake guys lets at least acknowledge anybody on 2 wheels (even push bikes, but maybe not HD's, j/k) and just worry about the 4 wheelers.

12 days to go...............

Wombat, out
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here in the south you get a scooter because you got a dui. they are trash here. and are always in the way, just a hint scooters, me coming up behind at 60 means i'm gonna pass you please stay still. not slam on the brakes and wiggle. i wave to scooters like i wave to the motorcycle patrol. never,.
if you have to eat 10 boxes of cracker jacks to get your ride, then its not a motorcycle.
I imagine they are seeing me on my nice bike and really wishing they had something comparable. I see them and am thankful for what I have, so sure I wave, that may be all they can get. Or maybe they are just getting there feet wet, either way costs me nothing to wave and just might make someones day.
For goodness sake guys lets at least acknowledge anybody on 2 wheels (even push bikes, but maybe not HD's, j/k) and just worry about the 4 wheelers.

Didn't mean to offend anyone Wombat. Just calling it how I see it. Believe me there are plenty of motorcylists that I don't wave at and not just because they are on an HD either. Only thing the squids pulling wheelies in their tank tops get from me is a head shake and often the finger. :Flip:

Trust me, there are a lot of 2 wheelers, scooter and motorcyclists, that we need to worry about too!

For the most part I do wave at most, but to date the majority of scooters I wave at don't even wave back...and I think that's nore to do with they just plain don't know about the whole "waving" thing/culture.
OK, well I first had a 50cc E-Ton that I picked up for laughs. It's how I got into it in the first place so be kind. Frankly, it was a BLAST to ride around town, super fun and cheap. I did get the odd wave or nod, but more the way you would wave at a little kid riding a tricycle. I used it to commute to work for a few months, but then started feeling like a circus clown in the center ring.

I got a 500cc Piaggio X9 next, and did have to get a full-blown motorcycle license to ride it. It was a huge improvement, capable of 170km/h and super-stylin' as well. I got plently of nods and waves from "real" bikers on it, especially out on the highway, and went on some rides with my buddies on their "real" bikes who couldn't believe how fast it was. I would have kept it, and regret selling it, except that being an Italian bike it wasn't easy to service or get parts or mods for.

So now I have a Fizzer, and make no mistake I LOVE this bike. Its like a breath of fresh air; I can service it easy, get parts no problem, and have a nice forum with you fine folks. I certainly feel more like a true rider, but can tell you that maxi-scooters are real bikes indeed. My X9 actually weighed MORE than the FZ6, had tons of gadgets and storage, and was no slouch on the highway. I'd save a place for the motorcyclist who has a bad leg, arthritis or what have you, who doesn't want to give it up, and wants an "automatic", comfotable ride, or even someone just wanting an easy commuter.

When I see a scooter out there, I'll wave or nod, and it won't be cynical.
Didn't mean to offend anyone Wombat. Just calling it how I see it. Believe me there are plenty of motorcylists that I don't wave at and not just because they are on an HD either. Only thing the squids pulling wheelies in their tank tops get from me is a head shake and often the finger. :Flip:

Trust me, there are a lot of 2 wheelers, scooter and motorcyclists, that we need to worry about too!

For the most part I do wave at most, but to date the majority of scooters I wave at don't even wave back...and I think that's nore to do with they just plain don't know about the whole "waving" thing/culture.

Thanks ........... but IMHO its not "to nod or not to nod". I don't always nod, I'm too busy or there's too many of them. I never know if they respond or not. I don't care. I don't look! There might be dozens of reasons why they don't nod, nothing to do with scooters or bikes!
Sorry ....... its just the 24% of responses worry me because I ride a bike and a scooter. Fortunately not at the same time. Do I nod to scooters when on the scooter and nod to the bikes when ................ ? I think I'll join the 2% and nod to nobody, and offend/not offend everybody. If you want to understand me from another perspective read my post on Road Rage:
Wombat. A very old and disillusioned Wombat. Definitely out this time.
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I'm surprised so many people do. Scoots are just goofy, and IMHO not riders but cummuters who can't make up their minds between a bicycle or motorcycle.