Do you want to know how loud the Leo Vince is?


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Feb 11, 2011
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People who post up these videos of themselves standing by their bikes revving them annoy me slightly. A digital camera's mic has no ability to demonstrate an accurate portrayal of sounds loudness or tone. If you really want to show us how loud an exhaust is you need to make a flyby video (I have one in the non fz6 section of the forum, of my SV1000).

A flyby video allows the camera to show you how loud an exhaust sounds as the bike gets further away giving you an idea of how annoying you are going to be to your neighbours, even when you are a mile away. You also get a better idea of tone as the camera is not being blasted with sound from only a metre away.

So here it is, an example of the best video I have found on YouTube of an fz6 flyby with a Leo Vince on. Remember guys and gals this is as loud as you can go (decat and debaffled). This is about the most annoying sound you will ever hear in your life but at the same time it will also be one of the best!!!
I just put on Scorpions without a decat pipe. With the baffles out it is a bit too loud but I still had a cager pull out of a t-junction on me, how did he not hear me? Maybe I need the decat!!!!!
Holy cow that thing is loud :eek: Way too loud for my taste, but a very very nice pitchy kind of sound. Very cool :thumbup: And a cool vid as well.

Old people will shake their fists for sure :D


PS: Sweet looking bike you have there :thumbup:
I have a carbon fiber set, with no DB killers, installed on my 07' and they sound great. Definitely one of the better sounding bikes around. It is one of the louder bikes for sure but its not a bad loud(ie Harley with a 2" exhaust so every time he revs(which is often, and annoying) the thing backfires). The exhaust has a nice rumble to it. My best purchase for the bike for sure. If you are afraid it will be too loud, you could always put the DB killers in to tone the beast down.

And exhausts do not get any better looking than leo vince

My FZ6 is an 07 and I just recently added the Leo Vince Titanium Exhaust and I love it. Sounds great. When I originaly put it on I took out the DB killers and thought it was a bit too loud so I have kept in the DB killers for now. I want to try them without this spring on a long rip and see if I can still hear! LOL
I ordered my Leo Vince exhaust the day after I bought the bike and have had them on without the DB killers since day 1! They really are not that loud to the rider since the noise stays behind you if you are going fast enough:D! I also picked mine up for a great price at only $365! Great exhaust can hear them over my buddys two bros exhaust no problem!
[ame=]YouTube - Yamaha FZ6 S2 2010 Leovince[/ame]

Had to slow down in the end.