EPIC day with QuietEagle and motojoe122!!


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsford, VT
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9.5 hours in the saddle for me. QuietEagle and motojoe122 are STILL out there. Should be 12+ hours of saddle time for them!

Lots and lots of twisty roads up at Bear Mountain. I had a fantastic time.. except for the whole nearly getting killed by deer thing, but that's normal for East Coast :rof:



Nice pics & sounds like an epic ride :thumbup: Look forward to a report from the other guys too :D

It was a great ride! I wasn't going to pass this one up since I missed the last one. I might have some video, my phone died early so no pics from me. Bike cam cut out too....
I'm totally fine, everyone! (thanks for the concern).

Sun was starting to set.. no leaves on trees.. everything is gray / brown and deer are damn near invisible now until they start moving.

Big hills on either side of the road and by the time I spotted the deer making its move down the hill towards the road, it was definitely too late for me to come to a full stop. I did scrub a whole lot of speed off and very lucky for me, the deer kept moving and made it across the road before I crossed its path. Really glad it didn't decide to stop and say hello to me!

This looked like a full grown buck.. would have sucked.

Weird.. should have scared the crap out of me, but for some reason it didn't :don'tknow:

All's well that ends well! :thumbup:
^ Glad you guys are all safe!!! Plus Joe likes his new parts!

Been there about 3 times this season. I guess if only rattles us if contact is made?? :don'tknow:
Man! Wish I could have gone with you guys. Looks like it would have been a great ride to "unleash" the beast! I bet even Eric's fz1 would be surprised with the little fz6 that could:D. Thank you for the invite as well joe and eric. Really sorry I missed it.. just couldnt get out of a wonderful 14hour day at work.:(
Sounds like a great day, guys. The weather was great for a long ride, give the tires some time to get some heat in them.

Wish I could have joined!

Keep warm out there
I'm bummed that I missed this Epic ride. Despite being on vacation I was assigned to stay with the kids as the missus went Black Friday shoppping, :eek:
I'd rather stay at home anytime than do that :D
It's still chilly tomorrow but I must go out on my FZ6, maybe just visit around Princeton again and check out the back roads. Or grab some grub in JC early in the morning.

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