F the Police!!!!

My wife has had the cops here in Henry County, GA do that to her. I think the freakin' cop was provoking her like your friend got provoked. Lucky for me and my wife, she choose not to speed up.

It says in the California driver's handbook:

"If you are being tailgated, be careful! Brake slowly before stopping. Tap your brake lightly a few times to warn the tailgater you are slowing down. “Lose” the tailgater as soon as you can by changing lanes or slowing down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you. If this does not work, pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass."

Speeding to lose a tailgater is both illegal and the wrong strategery.
The last ride on my fz6, I was riding with a buddy in Lexington Ky. I told him I was comfortable at or nearly around the speed limit, and he obliged, of course we had some safe fun when the opportunity presented itself. We were going down this lonely stretch of highway, and hit a speed trap, going the speed limit no doubt. Of course I saw the state trooper as did my friend. We didnt see the trooper for a while, but out of the blue that trooper caught up with us, he must have been booking straight up to catch us. He then stayed on our tails for 15 miles before he realized we were law abiding civilians and went on his way. I cant believe with gas so expensive they can do something like that, he must have hit over 100 to get up on us so fast like he did. Bastage!!!.

I hear some places are adding a surcharge to speeding tickets for that very reason. Takes more gas for the trooper to catch up and stop you so they're adding another $50 to your fine.
I hear some places are adding a surcharge to speeding tickets for that very reason. Takes more gas for the trooper to catch up and stop you so they're adding another $50 to your fine.

Adding a fuel charge so that the Police can be reimbursed for driving their gas guzzling Crown Vics and Expeditions? That would be something. Are own law enforcement could learn a few things from our foreign friends, as they drive more fuel efficient vehicles.
Thats not right at all. Just because your a cop doesn't make you immune to the law. What that trooper did was wrong, he should have given that guy a ticket...who cares what sort of number plate he has, its just a number plate!!

Speeding is speeding, that cop (your son) should have been given a ticket. Having this numberplate might be a way to get around being hassled by cops but for them to see this special, get out of trouble, numberplate they obviously have to be close to it which would still make it dangerous for bikers, especially as it has already been explained that the trooper was tailing too close!!

I hate this attitude that "hay I'm a cop, you cant give me a ticket"...being a cop is just a job, its not a position worthy enough to break the law, no position in life is...especially when those laws are in place to save lives and prevent stupid acts of carelessness that can cause harm to innocent people.

Sorry but I must disagree, based on those feelings i guess Officers should write everyone and not give warnings or free passes. This way no one breaks the law without some type of punishment. Part of an Officers job is discretion and the ability to determine a ticket may not be necessary in a particular instance. I can only suggest that if you remove that option there is gonna be a lot more people pissed than we already have. As far as the courtesy extended If that is one of the few benefits they (Officers) enjoy for a tough job, god bless them. To echo an earlier sentiment also, every profession has some Bad Apples Hopefully that tailgating and following does not continue.
Adding a fuel charge so that the Police can be reimbursed for driving their gas guzzling Crown Vics and Expeditions? That would be something. Are own law enforcement could learn a few things from our foreign friends, as they drive more fuel efficient vehicles.

It's a city by city decision and I'm seeing a little movement towards smaller cars - but not much. Here in Portsmouth the local cops have a pretty big bicycle patrol so they're not all gas hogs. Now if only we could get the State Troopers on bicycles... :rof:
In that situation I just pull over in a very public parking lot in front of a lot of people and park. If he has a problem I have a camera mounted to my bike showing my speedo and ask he why he is following me so if he has some b.s. answer and gives me a ticket I take it to court and have it thrown out and try to get his dumba** fired and or the police department sued.
In that situation I just pull over in a very public parking lot in front of a lot of people and park. If he has a problem I have a camera mounted to my bike showing my speedo and ask he why he is following me so if he has some b.s. answer and gives me a ticket I take it to court and have it thrown out and try to get his dumba** fired and or the police department sued.

On the other hand, could they confiscate your camera and/or subpoena you to provide it as evidence in the rare instance where you might have gone a bit too briskly? I've got the RAM mount and am planning on getting a camera attachment for it. To do or not to do? Anyone here actually use their camera footage successfully in court on a MC case? :confused:
What I love to do whenever I have anyone on my ass, especially cops, I'll slow down to 15 if I'm not on a highway or 45 if I'm on the highway, speed minimum in my state. And let them get pissed and honk their horn. Never had a cop pull me over for it yet but I'm waiting. Had a cop pull me over once for speeding though, was doing 5 over in a 45, comes up and asks the generic cop question, "You know what I pulled you over for, son?" to which I responded, "For not wearing my seat belt?" cop laughed for a couple minutes then said, have a good day.

But gotta say I really do think the majority of them are just on a power trip, screw with them if you can just realize you'll get a bigger ticket for doing it.
JSW4178 made a good point.......bike could have been reported stolen and was just running your plates. On behalf of all the owners who have had their bikes stolen, I'm sure you would want every cop to do that.

Next time, just pull over into a convenience store or get fuel, so they either have to keep on going or pull in and ask questions.

However, I did saw on CNN Headlines news today about cops raiding a house with a \"No Knock\" Warrant to search a house. They busted the door open with no warning, and shot two Black Labs to death for no reason. Yes, they were barking, but that's what any normal human being should expect. They said one of the labs was running away and shot the dog in the back, outside away from the house. Turns out, the house was the home of a Mayor of the town or nearby town. Personally, these type of no knock entrances into your home sounds very dangerous for both parties. I think you should have some kind of rights inside your own home. Doesn't matter if it's the police or crooks. When anyone comes busting through the doors with guns, you are lowering yourself into the categories of no good thugs. Yeah, cops could have been in assault gear, but you never know who it could be these days. Home invasions are becoming more and more comon.

I would feel bad for the cops who kicked in the wrong door on a no-knock warrent to end up in my living room bcuz they'd be getting shot at :Flip:
For 10 miles?? I highly doubt it. These cops out here are young pricks....I've gotten into an arguement with one of them.

actually as a criminal justice major having done ride-alongs with every dept. in town most cops run all the plates they can while just driving in traffic to see if they get any hits for stolen vehicle, warrents attached to the plates, things like that. And it sucks because many cops tailgate to get a good look at your plates and don't back off while they run them, so they are right on your ass and they are looking at their computer screen, not traffic! Just a little tidbit for everyone out there to try and stay safe as possible.
Don't tweak a cop's nose if you don't have to. It's not going to get you anywhere. There are so many laws on the books these days that it's virtually certain you're breaking one.

"Question Authority.... And the Authorities Will Question You."
New here, but I figured I'd give my latest story. Generally when I get pulled over I am humble and cordial. I did it, I know I did it and I leave it to their discretion on how to treat it. Generally I get a warning or a slightly over ticket.

While returning from our annual Deals Gap trip last weekend I got nabbed on 95 in Richmond. I was the lead rider and at our last stop we agreed to keep it slower and tighter in the congested area as to stick together. I set my throttle meister somewhere in the low 70's and adjusted accordingly.

Out of nowhere a cop comes barreling up, as the riders behind me scatter I knew he was on me....gut feeling. I made my way over to the shoulder as I watch my companions ride by. He says he got me @ 80 in a 60. Normally I won't question, but I asked how he got me. He said radar, GPS and his speedo and he was back there for 10 miles. Said I slowed for a few cops that had people pulled over and sped back up. I said I was watching GPS closely and never came near 80, he says GPS is not accurate, follow your speedometer. I stated it is nowhere near accurate (you fellow owners know this) so I watch GPS, he say's get it fixed.

So I unload the strapped luggage and give my info, steaming over the inaccuracies of the stop:

1: He wasn't tailing for 10 miles, we weren't on 95 from our last stop for 10. I also think the 5 riders behind me may have noticed....

2: How could I hit 80 stuck in heavy traffic while monitoring my speed closely

3: How exactly did he clock me from behind with 5 bikes scattered behind me? In heavy traffic. I'm no radar guru, but this seems rather difficult.

4: He said I slowed down for the cops with people pulled over...guess what I NEVER do! Especially if I'm within 10-12 mph of the speed limit

5: How can he claim his GPS as a source of my speed when mine is "inaccurate"?

Gave me a ticket, don't even know the fine as I have to call. No matter, I'll be in court...I have a friend in Richmond so I got a place to stay...he probably thinks out of state rider, not coming back.

So my companions pulled over to wait for me a few miles up, I pulled over to meet up with them and here he comes again spouting "emergency stopping only"....nothing like some good ol harassment ... just think if we were on sport bikes! He may have popped us all.
...They don't take kindly to being provoked. They might of had a report of a stolen bike like yours and he was running the plates... Besides, last thing I would do is piss off a cop.

I'll agree but sometimes they need to be reminded they aren't above the law.

For me... the first I saw of the u-turn I would have pulled over. Make them come talk to you. The immediate move of pulling over should at least keep them from adding other charges. As long as you don't look/act guilty they most likely they will just pass by. Doing so also reduces the stress and if they give you a ticket I'll bet they were going to anyway.

I like pulling over first before they go through the theatrics - gives me the feeling I'm in charge. ;)
I've had a cop follow me around (rather closely) in the city a few times already. If they don't back off, usually my tactic is to drive around the block. Especially if I have time to kill... I've already had one follow me around twice before giving up, since by then I'm sure they knew I was toying with them and they had nothing on me.

Another story for you...

6am on a Monday morning, I'm heading out to work on my new FZ6. Sitting at a 4-way light with my right signal on. To my right pulls up a local cop. Now, the locals can't tell a FZ6 from a R1, so of course I look like a prime target. He's eyeing me up and I can just tell he wants to get a 'close up' look at my bike.

Problem for the cop : He's going the wrong way, and his light just turned green.

So he pulls out, turns in front of me, and goes up a block and makes a quick right at the next block. I see his plan now, he wants to go around the block and watch me drive by once I make my right turn. Fine, I was in no hurry, lets play. So I make my turn and casually drive 30 down the 35mph city road, and sure enough he's sitting at the next block watching me go by.

But... he doesn't pull out. He had a nasty look on his face and clearly was pissed at something, but he never bothered me.

As I realized later... that quick right turn he had made was the WRONG WAY down a one-way street. He was so eager to hit me with something that he probably didn't even know what he was doing until he saw all the parked cars pointing at him the wrong way. lol

He's just lucky it was 6am and nobody was on the road... I wonder if he wrote himself a ticket. :D
