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Fatal head on collision

Here is a longer version


Two motorbikes were crashed on the road between Pécs and Komló, Hungary on the 10th June 2007. The accident happened when the 23-year-old motorbiker crossed the solid white line, while overtaking a car, and crashed into the oncoming other motorbike. The innocent biker was killed instantly. The other biker, who was recording his last journey, died at the hospital later
that's gnarly, If you can't stay in your own lane, your riding way too fast on the street, and passing on the wrong side of the road in a blind corner is suicide. I had a guy do that to me once on the S-22 in borego springs, he was passing a motorhome fully in my lane. if I hadden't been close to the shoulder when he went by we would have hit. I hate that, scares the crap out of you even if you can see your not going to hit.
Yes, I believe you should be allowed to follow them home, and beat the crap out of them with a bat.
Its only right.