Feeler: For sale 2007 FZ6 - Blue!


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Kamloops, BC Canada
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Just a feeler to gauge interest on possibly selling my bike.

2007 FZ6, blue, Pilot Power 2ct's, Scorpion Stainless Exhaust, PC III, K&N Filter, Puig Double Bubble racing screen in dark smoke, FE Kit, Frame Sliders, pazzo levers, FZ1 bars.

14,000 km's or 8,750 miles depending on how you count them. Bike is in overall excellent shape. Never dropped, all maintenance records.

I am thinking that $6,300 CDN would be a good starting point but am open to suggestions on price.

Reason for selling: Wife wants a boat. :(

Thanks for looking and please feel free to let me know your thoughts.
hey if you do end up wanting to sell your bike 100% I would be intested in some of your aftermarket parts if your wanting to go that route. eg PC3 and levers. you could get what your asking for it all stock probably. let me know.

Boats are holes in the water that you pour money in.
The spend most of thier lives sitting around doing nothing but breaking.

Its cheaper to rent a boat, or borrow a boat and pay your friend, and bring it back full of fuel. Much much much much cheaper.

Just my thoughts on boats.

Ask anyone that has one.

Little boat hook up trailer tow to lake fill up truck, put boat in lake, park truck, play with boat, park boat, get truck, load boat, fill boat with gas, drive home, unhook boat, take all your stuff out, clean boat, cover boat. Make boat payment. pay boat insurance.

Or rent boat.
Drive to lake walk your stuff to boat already filled with fuel. Pay for the day or weekends rental, play with boat that you dont have to fix, return to pier, fill boat, put stuff in your truck or car. Go home forget about boat.

Yes it costs alot but its worth it. LOL
Little boat hook up trailer tow to lake fill up truck, put boat in lake, park truck, play with boat, park boat, get truck, load boat, fill boat with gas, drive home, unhook boat, take all your stuff out, clean boat, cover boat. Make boat payment. pay boat insurance.

That was funny! and sounds pretty accurate... I think I would never buy a boat...
Boats are holes in the water that you pour money in.
The spend most of thier lives sitting around doing nothing but breaking.


That was the one of the reasons I decided against buying a boat. I looked seriously into the idea, but figured I'd probably use it 3 or 4 times a year, so in total 8 days a year. I might as well have took a bag of money down to the river every 3 months and thrown it in.

At least with the bike I'm out as ofen as possible at weekends, and if I get chance I take it to work when my director isn't looking. Way more use, and more important - more enjoyment.
Oh, nobody needs to convince me about a boat. Over the past 10 years I have owned 3. The last one never saw any use so I sold it and bought a bike. Wife wants a boat now that kids are old enough to ski, tube, etc.... In a perfect world I would keep the bike but the boat I want is over $40K and I also need the space in my garage.
Depends on how close you are to the lake. I live 5 miles from our Marina and during the summers, we hit the lake atleast 1 day a week. Haven't been in 3 weeks due to the water level and I'm having withdrawls.

Though I do like the new bike, but that's not something a family can enjoy.
....we hit the lake atleast 1 day a week....

i dont know about you ... but i hit the road at least once a day on my bike... so 1 day of the week on the lake < 7 days a week on the road/fz6.... so in conclusion... buy the kids a canoe :thumbup: ... but seriously.. sorry to hear about your imminent lost... :(
You forgot license and registrations for the boat and trailer. Plus permits and usage fees, dock fees, etc depending where you go.

But look where he is, prime boating location, Kamloops! Boat will be used year round, definately will get it's moneys worth.
Oh, nobody needs to convince me about a boat. Over the past 10 years I have owned 3. The last one never saw any use so I sold it and bought a bike. Wife wants a boat now that kids are old enough to ski, tube, etc.... In a perfect world I would keep the bike but the boat I want is over $40K and I also need the space in my garage.

If your wife wants a boat, let her buy a boat. You enjoy your bike....:thumbup:
$40K+ boat? Why not buy a used boat that is very similar, but for much less money? AND keep the FZ-6! Also, just because you can buy a brand new boat, doesn't mean you should. Think about it, you buy a brand new boat, take it out a couple of times, it isn't brand new anymore. Why not spend far less money, and buy a boat from someone and let them take the hit on the value. Then you can spend the money you save on your kids college, or help them with their first car in several years, or just save the money and invest it in a CD or some sort of stable fund so you can retire a year earlier...

Buy $40k boat, get sick of it and sell it in 5 years for $22k...Cost: $18+K plus ownership costs/insurance/maint. costs etc.


Buy a couple year old boat for ~$25K in great shape, sell it in 5 years for $18k...Cost: $7k plus ownership costs/probably cheaper insurance because of value/maint. costs which may be a little bit higher, but overall total cost is way cheaper.

There, just saved you over $11k, your kids still have a blast on a fun boat, your wife is happy, and you can still get away on some of those sunny days into the twisties by yourself...

(and I was just guessing at prices for boats but I'm sure I can't be that far off...)
I am in a position to use the boat daily if desired, living only 5 minutes away from the second best waterski/wakeboard body of water in North America. Buying a used boat in what I want is almost impossible, especially since they retain their value so well. I really want a boat too, it is not just my family. It sucks because I can't have both. Although, once the boat is in my garage for 12+ months I am sure I could wing a bike again. Does anyone have any comments on the bike as opposed to the pros and cons of boating?
Does anyone have any comments on the bike as opposed to the pros and cons of boating?

This thread is a riot!

Im not sure how the Canadian dollar compares to American but that sounds a little high in the States. I bought my 07 brand new (0 miles) with 1 year warranty for $6047. You'd be surprised how little aftermarket additions add to a bike's worth.
Price sounds about right to me. I would expect to see new 2007's for $6700 (Canadian) in the spring at dealers with old stock (that's what 2006's were this year)

With all your add-ons and no GST, I'd say anywhere from 6000-6500 would be just about right.

Just a feeler to gauge interest on possibly selling my bike.

2007 FZ6, blue, Pilot Power 2ct's, Scorpion Stainless Exhaust, PC III, K&N Filter, Puig Double Bubble racing screen in dark smoke, FE Kit, Frame Sliders, pazzo levers, FZ1 bars.

14,000 km's or 8,750 miles depending on how you count them. Bike is in overall excellent shape. Never dropped, all maintenance records.

I am thinking that $6,300 CDN would be a good starting point but am open to suggestions on price.

Reason for selling: Wife wants a boat. :(

Thanks for looking and please feel free to let me know your thoughts.


Your bike is much more useful to you and saves you money. You can't drive your boat to work, or the store, or to dinner?

Trust me, unless someone lives on a lake where they can just drop it in and go, they will not get the use they should out of it for the cost. Most boat owners can only go out on the weekends and there are only 52 of those. Then you take out the winter months, now you are down to 26. Then you make allowance for rain days, sick days, and S%@# Happens days on those weekends, and you will be lucky if you take it out 10 of those weekends. And boats depreciate big time.

I'm with Wrightme...rent or borrow the boat.