Fenda Extenda


2007 FZ6
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Feb 7, 2009
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Cape Coral, Florida, USA
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"Street Fighters" has a sale for the front fender extender and free shipping on Fender Extenders:

Yamaha - Fenda Extenda by Pyramid Plastics

Having had one on my FJR, I liked how well it worked. I just ordered mine for the FZ and will be installing it next week. Suggested install is with tape and screws. I will be installing (as I did with my FJR) with ABS glue (No screws), see the below link:

FJRTech.com - Dedicated to the FJR1300 Enthusiast! Its for an FJR but the install is the same...

This particular branch I ordered from is in Stuart, Florida. :thumbup:

11-27-12, some tips:

Just took the clamps off the fender, came out real good, seams are all tight, very, very sturdy (it sat clamped overnight). Looks stock actually, just black...

I taped off EVERYTHING I didn't want glue on, taped padding on the "C" clamps I used so I didn't scratch/cause any damage to the fender.

I used REGULAR PVC glue used for plumbing (from Lowes). Acetone to clean the inside of the fender, same for the "to be glued" section of the extender. And no, I didn't rough it up... Figured PVC pipe to a coupler, all is smooth. On my FJR I didn't rough up the inside either, stayed there as long as I had the bike, up to 145MPH..

*Big tip, apply glue, medium thickness to JUST THE EXTENDER, not to the fender... Position where you want it, had a friend apply the C clamps quickly before the glue set up.. My FJR, I put on an extender, same way but glued the fender too. If you looked real close, it just began to warp the plastic fender ever so slightly. The FZ has NO warpage and NO SCREWS....

Here's the installed extender:
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Looks GOOD Scott!

Although I my retinas have burned out from the Glare off those SHINING HEADERS!!!!! :welcome: :D
Which also look Great! :thumbup:
Looks GOOD Scott!

Although I my retinas have burned out from the Glare off those SHINING HEADERS!!!!! :welcome: :D
Which also look Great! :thumbup:

Thanks Randy, very happy with F.E. install. I didn't want the two sided tape and sheet metal screws sticking out of the fender.... Out came the glue!

I got guilted into putting the side reflectors (ft and rear) back on the bike (a member made mention of them off). Liked it better without em but its season down here now and the tourists may see me a little better and not scratch up my header!!! Guess its a sleeper now... (except for the open Scorps!)
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WOW! Tell me the secret of shiny headers! I MUST HAVE THEM!

"Meguiars NXT(no typo) all metal polish", blue and green can and a bunch of elbow grease initially.

Tried using the buffing wheel thing (that goes on the drill), didn't work worth a crap, just put lint ALL over the bike... No steel wool either....

Once you get em in good shape, its not bad to keep them up. About 13,700 miles on them in those pictures. The 3rd picture is some eye candy (K&P aluminum/SS cleanable oil filter/cooler) :thumbup:
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Does the extender keep a lot more of the "stuff" off the front of the bike?

Funny story - maybe. Got lucky the other night coming home from work. Going down a city street and a truck turn onto the street from a side street. Noting too unusual except for the HUGE cloud of smoke it was trailing. Smelled bad. Pulled up to the next traffic light which he had just gone thru. Noticed he was leaving a stream of liquid in the road. It was mostly on the right side of the lane so I stopped on the left side and contemplated what to do. Foot down in a couple of splatters and it seemed a little slick and was dark colored. Light turned green so I started off slowly and then moved into the left lane. Truck was a block down the street and the smoke was real thick. As I contemplated what to do he pulled off onto the sidewalk and stopped. Painted on the door of the truck was something like A&A Septic Tank Cleaning!!!!! That wasnt oil he was dribbling on the street it was ......... Fortunately I didn't get any on me or the bike.
Does the extender keep a lot more of the "stuff" off the front of the bike?

Funny story - maybe. Got lucky the other night coming home from work. Going down a city street and a truck turn onto the street from a side street. Noting too unusual except for the HUGE cloud of smoke it was trailing. Smelled bad. Pulled up to the next traffic light which he had just gone thru. Noticed he was leaving a stream of liquid in the road. It was mostly on the right side of the lane so I stopped on the left side and contemplated what to do. Foot down in a couple of splatters and it seemed a little slick and was dark colored. Light turned green so I started off slowly and then moved into the left lane. Truck was a block down the street and the smoke was real thick. As I contemplated what to do he pulled off onto the sidewalk and stopped. Painted on the door of the truck was something like A&A Septic Tank Cleaning!!!!! That wasnt oil he was dribbling on the street it was ......... Fortunately I didn't get any on me or the bike.


As for the Exender, it'll help a bit obviously as the rear of the FZ fender isn't much (looks good thou!) and doesn't reach down enough to be really useful . I suspect it may keep a little of crap off the top of the header and certainly help with the "small rock jamming the fan issue" (I already have a gaurd there).

If it keeps some extra moisture from the dirty street getting kicked up at me, its done its job. Getting wet with clean rain is one thing, oily, street water kicked up is considerably nastier (as you pointed out)...

My old FJR, the stock fender was down a bit farther so the FE worked a little better as it was closer to the street.

IMHO, the FE, especially in black, is barely noticable, looks stock and will certainly help the stock fender do what its SUPPOSED to do. . Cheap enough too...
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Your downpipes are gorgeous! I've used Brasso with not so great results. I think I'll have to give the Meguires NXT stuff a try. Also, I just noticed that your rubber shifter bumper is on backwards. Maybe you put it that way on purpose...
Your downpipes are gorgeous! I've used Brasso with not so great results. I think I'll have to give the Meguires NXT stuff a try. Also, I just noticed that your rubber shifter bumper is on backwards. Maybe you put it that way on purpose...

Thank you! Maybe once a month I'll go over them, maybe a half hour does the job at this point. When I got the bike used, they were your typical nice brown header as the PO never washed the bike, and just about no maintainance.

I bought the bike used with 4,500 miles on the clock, laid down on both sides (from my friend-his son's first bike). The rubber on the shifter was a little bit smaller on the end (as you noticed-very sharp eye/catch). I figuered it was worn out, so yep, I pulled it off and put it back on 180 degress...

When it was new, is one end tappered down?

The first picture is when I was replacing all the damaged parts with new. If you look down at the header, you can see how nasty it WAS.... Second picture is fairly recent.
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