Fighting a Parking Ticket


Southern Rider
Apr 17, 2011
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So, the situation is I go to a private University in NC. I have my motorcycle on campus, and they wrote me a ticket for "Motorcycle not in m/c space". The thing is, they took some of the motorcycle parking spaces away, and the only one left on my side of campus is on a slant and a car could easily back into it. I was parking it pretty far away, at the back of a parking lot, so that it would not be "front row" in a normal car spot. When they were trying to get my information off of the bike they undid my cover, and did not put it back on right, causing water to get inside of the cover.

Oh, another thing, it has been parked in the same spot for about 3 months now, except for when I rode it of course. :D

What do you all think I should say to try to fight the ticket? :confused:
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First off i assume you were parked in a regular parking spot? Second are there any signs that read no motorcycle parking where you parked?

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First off i assume you were parked in a regular parking spot? Second are there any signs that read no motorcycle parking where you parked?

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Yes, I was parked in a regular parking spot, and no there are no signs that read no motorcycle parking where I parked. It just says in our "Student Handbook" that motorcycles must be parked in motorcycle spaces.
my guess is that you signed something that says you read and fully understand the student handbook,and agree to follow it. BUT they really shouldnt uncover your bike and not properly cover it back up. I know the Parking authority around here can't touch your vehicle, they are allowed to slip the ticket under your wiper blade, but they aren't allowed to pick the wiper up and place the ticket under it, hence the sliding technique they adopted.
lazerfazer: Yeah, I did not like the fact that they messed with my cover. I was trying to find out if there could be any legal issues concerning them messing with it.

benjbong: Yes they are usually dicks in our security office too, that is why I have made friends with their boss, not in the security department. I once met with the president of the school for a ticket they gave me for running a stop sign. I got out of that because I made a long video of all of their cars running stop signs throughout campus. I really don't care about the ticket that much, but they are trying to charge me $30, and they messed with my cover. :shakehead:
More then likely there is nothing you can do because technically they didnt touh your bike they touched the cover so unless your "friend" could help you out.your prolly sol

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The thing is, they took some of the motorcycle parking spaces away, and the only one left on my side of campus is on a slant and a car could easily back into it.

I would take pictures and mention this to them and see what happens. I'd still be ready to pay for the ticket, but it may help.
just drive your bike into their office... and rev it up really loud that should work...

I would be really pissed if someone went to the trouble of removing my cover on my bike to ticket it when it is parked in a non handicapped spot...

but sounds like you wont have much to stand on other than taking the lack of spots to them directly and having them add some in front of every building on campus...
You could always go to the local news about what happened. Talk about how you are being forced to only park in one type of space yet there isn't enough available. Universities don't usually like to look like a bully to the surrounding community. Might not do much for the ticket itself, but, could cause a few weeks of bad PR and headaches for them. Also, was this in a parking lot or streetside parking? Parking lots can often make there own rules, but, street side parking may fall under local or street traffic protocal. I've had campus security try to write me a ticket only to have it overturned in traffic court because of something similar to this.
It was in a parking lot, so it was definitely on their property. I guess there isn't a law against them messing with my cover, since I have never heard of such thing. :confused:
I would fight it, stating that there weren't any m/c spots available, then follow that up with asking where you SHOULD park when there aren't any spots for you to park in.
I would fight it, stating that there weren't any m/c spots available, then follow that up with asking where you SHOULD park when there aren't any spots for you to park in.

Yeah, that is the angle that I am thinking about taking this. I will most likely end up just having to pay the $30 though :(
You might consult legal advice regarding the removal of the cover. It might be considered an illegal search since it wasn't in plain sight. Just more ammunition to fight a b/s ticket.
You might consult legal advice regarding the removal of the cover. It might be considered an illegal search since it wasn't in plain sight. Just more ammunition to fight a b/s ticket.

I kind of already did. My girlfriend is currently going to law school, and I asked her opinion. She said that there isn't really anything that I could do since they didn't "damage" my property.