Foreclosure Prevention? BS! More Fraud Coverup!


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Sep 24, 2008
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Amsterdam, Holland
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I just heard on the radio that NOTHING, not one penny, will hit the economy for another 3 to 4 months!!!! What a sham. The more I learn about this bill it sucks and its not going to do a damn thing. Have a nice day.
Hey um uh well uh anybody got any good reasons why we shouldnt hang every congressman, senator, all of the fed, all of the treasury, and oh hell while were at it all of the SEC?

I mean I know what these guys would do.

That would be a simple well crafted document stating that the men and women who have performed these actions are traitors, and bent on the destruction of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness endowed in all of us by our creator. The punishment for treason is execution.

Just tossing the idea around. I sure would like to see oh say one or two valid reasons why we shouldnt do that, but I am having trouble finding any.

Maybe I should start a poll? :eek:
What he's most right about: the cards should be open, the lies and scams exposed. And the liers should be prosecuted. Unfortunately, no government is going to do so as they are all in the game :(

It looks like it's time to spread the word, gather people and demand that our governments start playing open cards with the people (as is their duty).
What he's most right about: the cards should be open, the lies and scams exposed. And the liers should be prosecuted. Unfortunately, no government is going to do so as they are all in the game :(

It looks like it's time to spread the word, gather people and demand that our governments start playing open cards with the people (as is their duty).

The guy who uncovered Madof told the IRS, SEC and FBI about him back in 1999! For TEN YEARS he tired to get someone to listen to him. I heard his testimony to Congressional panel and he had very harsh words for the government and didn't sugar coat a thing. The Senators and Congressman were speechless. He body slammed them from the third turn buckle.
It was done (madoff and the rest that are out there just trying to cover) with the explicit and intentional help and coverage of the SEC. It is just impossible to cover that much money with out help. It cant be done.

Just out of curiosity Pete just your opinion and feel free to PM about it.

Do you think the US military soldiers would stand with the people in defense of the Constitution, or would they follow orders to smash any uprising by the people against a government bent on the destruction of our way of life?

Just your opinion is all I am asking. I know you can speak for noone else.
Per my oath of service I am sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Within that frame work I cannot incite a rebellion and must follow all lawful orders of my leadership.

As a citizen I think we need to write letters to Congressmen, Senators and the President and tell the how we feel, and make it clear if we are angry and most importantly why. I think we need to write intelligent letters to editors and voice opinions in smart, constructive ways.

Personally I am appalled by the way this "solution" shoved down our throats and to complete lack of any discussion on what a good solution would be. I am also appalled that if a legislator didn't vote for the bill they were labeled a traitor. Our country is one of laws and processes and we the people were not give meaningful debate on this bill. Wall Street has voted the last week and the market has tanked, this bill isn't going to do a damn thing.

I am also appalled at the bureaucrats who run the various organizations of the government. They all appear to be inept, asleep at the wheel and stuck in a rut.

I could just scream. :banghead:

More coffee I'm not a coolaide drinker.
I can understand that.

I used to think that congress, senate, and the rest were in reality just inept and incompent. I have come to the solid conclusion that they are actually evil and intentional in their behavior.

If the Government becomes the enemy of the constition.....