Fork leak question on YX600


May 29, 2012
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A friend just bought a 1991 Yamaha Radian (YX600). It's pretty fun for an antique :p

Got a question regarding fork leak:

The bike was put on a pickup truck for delivery. It was secured using multiple harness which compressed the fork and it stayed like that for 24 hours until it was unloaded. By the time it was unloaded, there was a clear yellowish oil leaking from the right fork and was dripping down towards the brakes.

Wiped it up and rode the bike for a small trip and no more leak. The bike was also ridden before it was loaded on the truck and there was no leak then either. The fork seal was done completely in late 2012. Brought the bike to a mechanic and after a test ride and more checkup says it's all fine.

Question is: is it normal that it was leaking when compressed for a long time? What ya think?
If they had it compressed all the way, yes it is normal. When securing a bike it should be about halfway compressed when done.
The tinniest blemish on the stanchion tube or seal coupled with the air in the tube being compressed and it may cause an otherwise leak free fork to seep. By chance to those forks have air fills on them (Schrader valves)? If so, balance the pressure if NO, crack the tops an let air in so it doesn't suck debris in. Also do that last step while fully extended.
You might consider checking the oil level too or even just replace it.