freak weather lately


Junior Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Well yesterday was a bit of an uneventful day but very picturesque.

Whilst en-rotue to a meeting on my daily commute to work. I happen to hit a patch of freak weather or snow, which to begin with I thought nothing of as it was only snowing over the crest of the hill and not in the low areas so I thought hey I would carry on as I only had a further 10 miles to go to my destination.

And I had ridden through all that heavy snow falls that we had back just after Christmas without any problems……(you should of seen some of the shock on the car drivers faces seeing a bike out in that two week stretch of snow) but I think that was due to that snowfall being very dry snow compared to typical British snow.

Anyway after about 4 miles into the freak weather I experienced yesterday it started to snow so hard that as I was going along the road/ track lines were actually getting narrower and narrower by the second very un nerving. So I thought I will wait for a lorry to pass and follow that. But to my surprise even that didn’t work as it was snowing so hard that it would slush over instantly, and the lorry just created about 3" of slush which was worst than the snow. Eventually I had to pull over and leave my bike on the side of the road as it was so slippery that I couldn’t even push my bike without falling over lol…

So I spent 2 hours sat in the snow until it stopped snowing and a grit lorry passed ………… most freakish weather ive ever experienced 5 miles either side of me and it was rain/sunny.

OMG - I am just about speechless......

I hope you were wrapped up warm!

We're expecting high 30's to low 40's for the next week - too hot for us to ride.
down in devon...

met office had predicted no snow for us yet it did.

thing was 5 miles in either direction and it was raining / sunny:BLAA:
Whew! what a story and what a picture. Glad you made it out ok -- I'm assuming you recovered your bike back to a dry garage.

I've ridden my cruiser though a big snow squall that eventually accumulated 3" of snow but way before that time, I was already home. I never had to ride in anything making tracks in the snow like you did.

Mate,that didn't look too good!

We seem to have missed the second round of snow in Surrey.
It's just lashed it down with rain.
Forecast is for the same all week and the pain in the arse,is I've got a week off :(
Still,soon be spring ;)
down in devon...

met office had predicted no snow for us yet it did.

thing was 5 miles in either direction and it was raining / sunny:BLAA:

Well blow me! Here in Exeter we had nowt more than a few passing light rain showers. Freaky weather indeed...
