French Bikers Fight for Their Rights

I protest! I even searched "French Protest" and it didn't bring anything up :spank:, so I thought I'd share.

Oh well...nuke the thread or spam away :thumbup:
What about pedestrians filtering? We can't have that, you know, the faster walkers filtering past slower walkers. Gov't should CRACK DOWN on this practice. And BICYCLES, too! What about bicycles filtering? Shouldn't every bicyclist have a dedicated space or lane, whether it be among motorized vehicles or other bicycles? And, of all places....Paris? Are you kidding? If they enforce this new law then motorycylists might as well trade in for a Lincoln, sit back, turn on some tunes, and SIT in massive traffic james. Parking too, we can't have more than one motorycyle in a regular space now... Geesh.
I would love to see something like this happen in washington in the seattle/tacoma/belleview/olympia span of hiways/interstates. I cant tell you how many times i have wanted to be able to lanesplit on I-5 at 5pm but of course it is illegal here....

Thank god the French are very outspoken
"People should not fear their government, their government should fear them."