Fun in the Snow!

i keep meaning to get snow tyres for my car, but never got around to it, i've not had any problems driving with summer tyres yet anyway. most roads are gritted here anyway, and it only snows for a couple of weeks of the year at most
We tend to get lots of small pits in our windshields. Guess it is more like sand then gravel - but not nice beach sand. What really sucks with the gravel\sand on the roads is the first couple weeks of bike season after all the snow melts. You have to take it pretty easy until they clean up the streets or we get a heavy rain to wash it all away. Lots of bikers go down that first couple weeks of the season.

Tires are the only thing between you and the road and are important to maintain control in all conditions.

I also like to go to an empty parking lot the first icy day and get a feel for driving on ice again.

On a side note - I once got my truck to do 14 360degree spins in a row on an ice highway.
Wow, carnage! I can't even fathom what people in L.A. would do with snow and ice on the road - crash and die I imagine.

Put it this way, if it ever ends up snowing or icy on L.A. area roads, I am calling out sick / no-showing / whatever. No thank you!
Look like bucket loads of fun to me ;) I couldnt help myself , i'd be grinnin' from ear to ear just like this >> :D :D :D :D :D :D :BLAA:

Botch, if there were a Thanks X100 Button I'd push it! That was great seeing how Dumb some people can be! Although the Snow Plow and Passenger side Door BASH looked very unhealthy!

That looks like that wet soaking WET snow that's just unfriendly for Auto Travel. . .
Accident Report:
I was drifting my minivan on straight road when suddenly a snow plow bashed me in the side. I am not at fault even though the plow was parked! :welcome: