FZ6 Clutch Perch, with Mirror mount


New Member
Feb 10, 2016
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UK, South West
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Hi all,

New face here.

My clutch switch has recently given up, so I bought a new one.

Hah, if only it were so simple... it turns out that the screw holding the dead one in was held fast by loctite or similar. The upshot of this is that the screw head twisted off, and then the exposed past of the screw twisted off too... leaving the remains in the metalwork. I've just tried to drill and re-tap (using a vcoil), and in the process allowed the bit to wander too much. Gah!
So in all it's been a frustrating and thus far failed fix.

What I'm after now, is a new clutch perch, essentially just the block of metal... what would appear to make this tricky is that my (naked) bike has the mirrors mounted on the perch.
Flicking through listings on eBay implies that this is somewhat of a rarity...

I've seen suggestions to use an FZ8's perch, and this has got me the closest to what I'm after:

Frustratingly this appears to be the only listing, and it's in America... and I'm in the UK. If needs be, then I'll go for it.

Does anyone know of somewhere I can get what I'm after more locally? (cheaper, quicker, etc)
Or perhaps have a part number or other advice?

Thanks in advance,