FZS-600 Ignition key connector


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Hey Guys,

Due to bad connection, and poor maintenance, the connector of my ignition key to the harness melted, and I am now in search of replacement. Could anyone recommend me a replacement connector, as I was unable to find where to buy the original only.
My bike is FZS-600 - 2002 Model.
Here is a photo (the purple on in the middle if is not obvious enough :) - both female and male connectors )

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That looks like one of the main high current connectors found on many bikes.

I would disconnect the negative lead on the battery, match the wires pin for pin, clip the wires from the plug and solder the wires. You may have to use an extra piece of wire to have enough length to work with.
Again welcome! :)
Hi Motogiro,

Thanks for your replay.
Soldering the connectors, was always a back-up plan. Initially I wanted to find out the type of connector used there, and replace the burned one with original connector (or replica of original). Unfortunately I could not find out the type/model etc.
The burned connectors, is the one that runs through the ignition key, and which the ignition key turns on/off. I am not sure why there is a need for high currents there, as I though it only switches on the main relay of the motorcycle.
If you( or anyone else) can recommend me a suitable connector I would be grateful. If I do not find one, I will just solder the wires at the end :)
250 Connectors

Check out that page, the Yazaki CN(A) looks similar. Or email the owner, I've bought from him in the past and he's pretty good with such things.

If not, just solder, or find another connector type you can get your hands on, like Weatherpack.
For data and small signals solver cups or crimp & solder is fine, I would not rely on solder alone without some form of mechanical assist. Crimp and solder with acid free no clean solder would be best. Any other solder flux types must be thoroughly cleaned removing the acid or it will eat and degrade the copper wire.

If its just a couple of conductors gone bad, remove as Cliff mentioned and place them in their own housing. Both digikey and mouser have components for this.