Guys like this give riders a bad name..

What an inconsiderate moron. How can a human being be so dumb? And what's up with a mere 10 year sentence for a habitual drunk driver with suspended license, riding drunk and doing stupid things on the road and ending up killing someone else?

Anyone else wonder how the hell did he make it out alive? :eek:
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Thanks for posting this...... my condolences to the family of the lady who died at this idiot's hand.

Any chance of finding a more accurate street address? Something that will let me zoom in on the area, so I can understand why this jerk though he could get away with passing a bunch of cars in a no passing zone?
Any chance of finding a more accurate street address? Something that will let me zoom in on the area, so I can understand why this jerk though he could get away with passing a bunch of cars in a no passing zone?

Ohio State Route 128 is also known as Hamilton Cleves Pike, google maps puts that here. That looks pretty close to me, it is in Whitewater Township as reported in the paper. My guess would be in the group of houses north of the marker. I have ridden through that area many times.
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Indeed an intensely sad story. That family is in my prayers.

I suppose there could be alot of fingers pointed to blame. The person who owned the motorcycle (if not the rider), the courts for allowing him to still drive, etc. Ultimately the fault and blame falls squarely on the shoulders of that steaming pile of humanity. What a horrible waste of life. A dead grandma, right before Thanksgiving. I wish this were a bad dream. Soooo sad..

Be safe everyone, there are morons like this in every state.
Very sad but I always question the reporters view, it seems to me that often times the rider is the easy bad guy. Obviously this guy was in the wrong, no question but statements like this one in the article makes me scratch my head.

"No safety restraints were used by either driver, according to investigators"
"No safety restraints were used by either driver, according to investigators"

I thought that meant that the car driver was not wearing a seat belt and the rider was not wearing any gear (which would make it even harder to believe that he survived).
I thought that meant that the car driver was not wearing a seat belt and the rider was not wearing any gear (which would make it even harder to believe that he survived).

I don't think most non-riding reporters know the distinction between gear and seatbelts. When they report a fatal accident, they ask a few key questions: Was the driver drunk? Were they wearing seatbelts? How fast were they going?
The third article actually clarified it as "no helmet" for him.... I think most of us are in general agreement, reporters are stupid, someone should shoot this guy! My condolences to the family.
I thought that meant that the car driver was not wearing a seat belt and the rider was not wearing any gear (which would make it even harder to believe that he survived).

Quote: "He also was not wearing a safety restraint or a helmet. He was thrown about 30 feet onto the concrete, Laney told the dispatcher."

A quote from the other article: "Hume said the motorcycle's engine hit her sister in the head, its oil pan landing in the backseat."

Tragic in every way imaginable..
Ohio State Route 128 is also known as Hamilton Cleves Pike, google maps puts that here. That looks pretty close to me, it is in Whitewater Township as reported in the paper. My guess would be in the group of houses north of the marker. I have ridden through that area many times.

Thanks! Google maps is such an incredible tool; I don't think there's another way to look at a panoramic street level view of so many places in the US, at the 'speed of light'.

All the more senseless...... I'd have to guess he was still romping hard on the gas after leaving the light, and decided to pass some 'slowpokes'.
Folks like this guy --repeat DUI f*ckups -- seem to always find a way to keep on driving. The guy's from Indiana, has a five year license suspension, but he was able to go across a state line and get a license in Kentucky. WTF?

This kinda thing really gets at me since I had a brother killed by repeat DUI offender some years ago. And that guy only got a slap on the wrist, too.

I hope the dudes in prison make him wear a skirt...