Had an 'off' today


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Feb 11, 2011
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And my FZ6 is totally and completely..............fine. You see, I was on a mountain bike, riding with my friend. As we approached a tricky downhill section where another friend had come a cropper a few weeks earlier. I turned to my buddy to see if he was alright, and in taking my eyes off the ground, I felt the bike catch on a rut and I was going down.

Lying on the floor in agony, he came over over to help me, he clutched my face, inspected it and said "good your face is intact, you won't ruin my wedding photos next week".

Anyways my ankle looks like I have a surgically implanted tennis ball under the skin. And as I lay in bed typing this, with the pain killers wearing off, I think back to the last time my ankle looked like this and it took 3 months to heal. It was agony every day. Tendon damage. I don't think this is as bad, but luckily it's my right foot, probably the one body part you can easily ride a motorcycle without.
Oh man! Hope you heal up and feel better soon. Ice 20 min. on 20 min. off...
Yeah bike your FZ6 is OK :D

I've crashed mountain bike more times than I could possibly count. I've broken few bones and when I look back at it.. I wouldn't change a thing. It's an unfortunate part of mountain biking and there's no way I would NOT mountain bike just because it's dangerous.

Being out definitely sucks, but it'll make you appreciate riding that much more when you come back to it.

Hope you heal quickly and get back out there!! :thumbup:
I'm astonished how many people break bones and get serious injuries from mountain biking, sure i've taken spills off of them with scrapes and such but nothing too severe...i've ridden dirtbikesmy whole life, had 60 mph offroad crashes, had a 300 lb dirtbike land on me, 800 lb quad flip onto my leg, the lot, but no broken bones or major injuries from it... maybe i'm just lucky? :spank:
To be honest it does feel like I have broken it. But I can stand on it, I just can't bend it at all without extreme pain. I always go on the idea that if it's broken there's no way you can stand on it. Hope I'm right.

It is most likely soft tissue damage, but if you can get it xray'd, it would be the smart thing to do. Otherwise RICE method FTW (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
i've ridden dirtbikesmy whole life, had 60 mph offroad crashes, had a 300 lb dirtbike land on me, 800 lb quad flip onto my leg, the lot, but no broken bones or major injuries from it... maybe i'm just lucky? :spank:

You are Wolverine, your adamantium skeleton is unbreakable.
That looks pretty bad. Have you been icing it and elevating it? That's still very swollen. I'd go see ortho at this point, I think.
Yeah more elevation than ice though. It does look pretty bad, but is definately feeling better each day. I still walk with a limp but i stopped taking the pain killers and pain relieving gel yesterday, and have a lot more movement in it than i did have. Had to do alot of walking yesterday, could not avoid it. I'm gonna wait another couple of days and if it's still on the mend, i will assume i got lucky.
You can walk on it if a bone is broken dude...I have. Get an x-ray.. that one looks worse than mine was.
I know it looks bad, but i can wiggle all my toes, move my foot up and down and from side to side in all directions with no sharp pain.
Ive had this injury before but it was worse last time, and the x-ray showed no broken bones.
It's nice to know you guys are concerned,:thumbup: but i reckon im ok.
If i go to get an x-ray i will have to sit at the hospital for a minimum 6 hours in the uk.
I think i will wait a couple more days and see.