HEAT WAVE! I'm melting!

I've gone home early from work stating a HEAT related HEADACHE..LOL...My warehouse has NO INSULATION or AIR-CON...I'm starting to feel like a Rotisserie Chicken...All I need is a skewer up my date and the job is DONE....

Mate,thats what happened to me ! I left work at 3pm,couldn't handle it anymore ,my thoughts were all addled ,couldnt think straight .

Glad I said NO to working tomorrow.
The news has just said that there has now been 18 heat related deaths so far, and there are still houses that are out of power and have been for 24 hours. Our power transformers are blowing our tram cant run our trains cant run because the tracks are buckling.
Well. I'm back home. 5 hours out there, 42 degrees, Big Day Out is not the place to be.

I'm stuffed. Couldn't stay there any more, good music, just too damn hot.

Thinking about a few beers, but I've had that much water, dunno if I can fit it in :eek:

The news has just said that there has now been 18 heat related deaths so far, and there are still houses that are out of power and have been for 24 hours. Our power transformers are blowing our tram cant run our trains cant run because the tracks are buckling.

The reports of deaths was bound to start....horrible reality of such extreme heat. :(

Now they are saying there may be a break in the heat wave in one weeks time but they say dont rely on it.

I thought we were going to have a hot summer....i would like to know what a "break" is...32c instead of 40c???

Now whats worse is there is a fire starter setting fires in victoria.

And this was also only a matter of time.....fire starters should be locked up for life!

Hers some smart news they have just said that they are doing free yes free water at the big day out, along with the mist tents, about time we herd some common sense.
Hers some smart news they have just said that they are doing free yes free water at the big day out, along with the mist tents, about time we herd some common sense.

I generally only drink bottled water, so I bought my water, the free stuff was just a few taps around the place spewing out hot Adelaide mains water.

The mist tents were good though, and the MFS had the water-gun truck there, like a massive shower you could walk through. :thumbup:

I didnt think the springs stopped flowing, or did a water main blow.

Like I haven't heard that one before !

The spring does actually stop flowing from time to time.But we cart the water to the factory in a tanker and he didn't get back in time and our tanks ran dry.The tankers holds 24 000 ltrs and in this weather he has a hard time keeping up.
Like I haven't heard that one before !

The spring does actually stop flowing from time to time.But we cart the water to the factory in a tanker and he didn't get back in time and our tanks ran dry.The tankers holds 24 000 ltrs and in this weather he has a hard time keeping up.

Man thatr's a lot of water 48000 500ml bottles.....thirsty work!
Someone's been MODERATING me again......I'm gonna get a rep soon.....Sould have been checking the other posts Woolfie, theres a few items that may raise the eyebrows