Help Needed !!


Eager Beaver
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Epping, Essex
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I pick up my brand spankin new FZ6 S2 Fazer (Midnight Black) on Saturday and I'm itching!

I've tried working... get bored and end up on here!
I've tried going for rides on my CBR125... no good, I get bored of the lack of power and start thinking about how much better I could take that bend on the FZ6 or overtake that lorry etc...

I think I've watched every video on YouTube about 3 times over and am starting to get worse... I am seriously like a kid with a new toy... except I haven't got it yet :(, and I don't have the patience!! :rant:

Anyway... Anybody got any suggestions ?

How did you lot find the wait before the call ?
What did you do ? How did you feel when you picked it up and took it for that first ride ?

I'm so impatient!! :rof: :don'tknow:
well it sounds like you are doing the best you can...... dont be too itching on that first ride though, take it easy and become intimate with the beast before you let her rip! Saturday will be here before you know it!
You sound dead keen so dont forget to take it easy for the first 60 mile or so while you wear off that wax like compund on the tires.

Have seen a few peeps on youtube taking new bikes from the dealers and crashing them in the parking lot before they even get them on the road. Its funny and sad all at the same time.
If you dont have much experience on the street withi this type of bike i would take it easy for a few months, you can get over your head real quick. If you have years of experience then drive it like you stole it.
I've been riding on roads since I was 16, now 23, but definitely taking on board your comments to take it easy!

Just can't wait, it's going to free me up so much and I can finally leave the dead end position I'm stuck in at the moment! :)

Thank you all for your advice... look forward to developing myself and the bike and updating on the progress as I go along!