hemi C trying to kill


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2008
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Pickerington, OH
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Ok.. so the other day i was riding with one of my buddies. we both had our g/f's on the back coming from a cruise thru the twisties.. we had to go thru a small town to get back to ours.. and there was this guy doing 25 in the 35 and he was just sitting at lights after they turned green... so we decided to pass him.. well either he just hates bikers. or was just an angry old man. so we get up to around 60.. and he is right on our tails.. so we both goose it and i look down and im doing 110. look back .. he is full throttle on our tails.. the r1 that my buddy is on is slightly faster.. lol.. but he was ahead and the 300C was close enough that my woman could have kicked his car.. he was feathering the throttle and getting closer and closer. so i shifted got beside my buddy and we took off again.. and again he caught us and was beside my bike and this time the r1 noticed and slowed down to try to back him off..all in all .. he almost killed 4 ppl cuz he was a dick.. and we went 6 miles with him on our ass.. from speeds of 125 to 75.. on a 55 mph road.. with no cops in site.. when you need one there no where to be found..
if there was a cop to be found.... he might have given all 3 of you a ticket...for street racing:p
yeah.. till we would have 4 witnesses saying the pecker was trying to kill us.. and the funniest part about it.. was that he was in a dealers car..
that's dangerous ****. Perhaps you should have pulled over and let him pass you, especially with the ladies on there...
25 in 35 and stopping green lights are signs if a drunk driver.
The more I ride the more I am thinking of getting a in helmet bluetooth phone system.

Glad your ok.
The tack most of us around here have taken is to slow down call in his liscense plate and mention that you thought he was waving a gun around...that seems to get the cops attention...dunno why...
You should rename this thread "We almost let a dickhead kill us!"

Ignore the idiot, why get sucked into his stupid plot, esp with your chicks on the back.

Imagine waking up in an ICU and wondering where she is and finding out she's dead.

Nice time.
I'm always half-thinking of ways to mount a concealed paint ball or ball bearing launcher on the back of my bike. I'd never do it, but it sure would have come in handy there, could have given him a free paint job :D