How did you meet your spouse/gf/bf?

Took orders for Japan and went home from North Carolina to Newport Beach California. While on leave (20 days) met momma. Nine days into that leave got hitched in Vegas. Eleven days after flew out of Orange County airport for Travis Air Force base in Northern California (WestPac staging area). Left Travis and landed in Japan 24 hours later. Orders got changed and next stop was Subic Bay in the PI. Gear got transfered from a 141 to a 130 and next stop was Bien Hoa Air Force base in the Republic of South Vietnam. Got held up for a while due to incoming and later headed north to Da Nang. had a relationship via US Mail for the next 13 months and returned home to start making babies. 2008 will mark our 36th anniversary and we have 2 children; 1X and 1Y which brought 6 grandkids of 4X and 2Y......

Anybody want to give odds on this having worked...... We were 19

Your Generation was very crazy Charlie LOL.
The first time, we were both ****faced at a party at my brother's apartment in college. I was a freshman, so my buddies were all looking out for me. Rob was a friend of a friend, and played rugby at the time, so I was warned that he was a jock and to stay away from him. He was told that I was in high school (I was actually a freshman) and to stay away from me. We heeded the advice.

Then, just over a year later, he showed up in one of my classes. It was a horrible class, really hard, and the teacher recommended we get study-buddies for the midterm. I remembered that this cute guy lived in my building, so I asked if he would be my study-buddy. He responded with a few grunts and some drool and we've been communicating like that ever since.
Thats very nice, especially the grunting and drooling lol. Rob did play Rugger though, that is the mark of a gentleman.
I was doing volunteering work in France, she came on holiday to France. We spoke on the phone for several months, before I decided sod it, I'm coming to Belgium. Got married 2 years later and been here ever since. Still trying to work out which language they speak though.
I know there are funny stories of how you and yours met.

Here's mine and Danny's:
So there I was, 17 years old, senior in high school. My cousin (2 weeks older than me) had this friend named Dylan, well, she would call Dylan practically everyday, but she didn't always get the phone number right and always called this other number asking for Dylan (which was not Dylan's number). This went on everyday for about a month and this "guy", that she keep calling by accident, started to ask her questions like, "what do you look like", what are your measurements." So she tells me one day, "hey, call this guy, he is a total dirt bag, he will ask your measurements." So, I decide to call this dirt bag and when he answers the phone I say, "hi, is Dylan there." and he says, "hey Melissa (my cousin) Dylan's number is XXXXXXX." I started laughing and told him that I wasn't her (we sound the same on the phone). It took him a while for him to believe it.....I asked him if he had been sleeping and he said yes and I told him,"oh, sorry...I will let you go." He says, "no, wait.........what are your measurements?" I just started laughing. So I told him my measurements and he says," you sound HOT!" He tells me his name is Danny (yes, Danny that we all know) we talked on the phone for about 3 hours and when I got off the phone I knew I was in love. I wasn't sure how my mom would react, being that she was a cop and I was 17 and he was 24. We talked on the phone for about a month and then we finally met at his house (which was just around the corner from me), he told me that if he took me to Del Taco for dinner, that meant that he didn't like me......he didn't take me anywhere ;) ;) and we have been together ever since. I still laugh to this day about how we met. I moved in with him 3 months later and then got married 2 months after I moved in. :Flash:

That's awesome!

I met my first wife while she was at university in the US. To make a looooong story really short, we did WAY too much acid over a several month period; 'borrowed' her parents' car and drove from Chicago to Anchorage; stayed 9 months (over the winter); moved back to the lower 48; she got pregnant; we got married; then we had twin girls. That was 16-17 years ago. Divorced after about 7 years. Wonder why it didn't work out...

Skip to 2001 when I was living in the UK and had been out drinking with some guys from work on a Friday (as you do). I somehow managed to get myself onto a night bus back to my town and these girls got on wearing all this wild clubbing gear - huge boots, wild hair, swirly contacts, the lot. They sat across the aisle from me but I didn't (read: couldn't) take too much notice until these two old pervy guys got on and sat next to them. The guys started flirting with the girls and I could see that they were getting uncomfortable with it so I kept an eye on the situation in case I felt I needed to step in. A few minutes later, one of the guys sais he is Iranian and one of the girls (Gina) asks, "Are you a terrorist?" No joke. She did. And she was serious. I thought, "oh, man here we go" but they guy seemed to take it in his stride and it was fine. About 2 minutes later, the bus driver announced that the bus wouldn't be going all the way to the end of the line and everyone may need to change busses. At the next stop the guys got off the bus. Problem averted. So one of the girls (now my wife) started a conversation with me since she had noticed me watching them.

Turns out she was still at university and 12 years younger than me, but we hit it off and it's all been great since then.
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I was 8 months out of the Army and working at an autobody shop trying to make ends meet. They sold used cars there that we fixed up. These two cute young ladies had come in a few times looking for a car. On the third trip in, one of them asks me if I was single. She said her friend was shy and really liked me alot but was afraid to ask. I said yes and agreed to have a couple beers after work with them. After meeting them at her mother's house and talking over a few beers, I asked if she'd like to come to my place. I never looked back from that night and that was almost 22 years ago. The funny thing is, she was looking for a one-night stand and I wasn't. One night became several and I convinced her that I was the one for her. She had a son at the time who was about 20 month old. 10 months after we met, we had our twins. We didn't get married until 5 years into the relationship and the kids were all in the wedding party.

I might not be the best Christian but I strive to be the best Husband and Dad!
My GF came with the Van....

No really that's how it happened. Her mom sold us a Van and I was being nice, helping her get the plates off and talking to her and she says, "you wanna go on a blind date with my daughter? Well you got my number just call me up and ask for Kristin." I waited till April fools to call and set up a date for the 2nd, she must have liked me cause we've been together for 3 years now. :thumbup::rockon:
me and my g/f were high school sweathearts. met in 10th grade started dating early 11th grade and the rest is history that was almost 6 years ago.....
Significant other No.01 : Met my first serious girl at Uni, on a bus trip to World Expo in Brisbane, Auystralia in 1988...endud up travelling to Europe with her and doing many thousand's of km's touring around Europe with her on an Yamaha XV750...we ended up staying together fror 6 years, before we both realised that our lives were heading in different directions.

Significant other No.02 : Met on the Dancefloor at a Nightclub, got very serious very quick, we decided after 5 months together, that we should have a child, Had Child, broke up when my beautiful boy was 9 months old....i took full custody without a fight, Boy has grown up to be the best thing that ever happened to me, and is now 9 years old, and my best mate! he also now see's his mum 2 days a week.

Significant other No.03: Met her when she was doing some modelling for my talent agency, fell in love the moment we laid eyes on each other, but did not get together for several months, when we did, it was the best thing we both ever did, have since got engaged, and are six weeks away from our first child together being born, another boy, which will make 3 boys, as she has a 4 year old as well. Did'nt think i was ever going to meet Missus i was 37 when i met her...but hey, i now know different.
OK, I'll be the first to admit to it...

Yahoo Personals. :D

That's great that you found someone on there, but sometimes it doesn't always work out so good.

Here's another one of my boring's funny though;

About 5 years ago, my dad joined Yahoo personals and he was all excited about it. At the time, I lived about 80 miles away from him and he was supposed to come pick up my kids for the weekend. Danny, a.k.a
sportrider_fz6, had this "brilliant" idea about how to mess with my dad, but he said he wouldn't do it. So, I get on the computer and type out this huge long letter (pretending I'm a woman interested in him). I had made up the name, "Sarah Porch"...this letter consisted of most of the hobbies/activities etc... that my dad liked to do....and that this "Sarah Porch" really wanted to meet him and, ironically, she lived just down the street from my dad. I send the e-mail, and about 5 mins later, my dad is calling me.....telling me how wonderful this woman is and he's all excited and wants to meet her....and I just go along with it. He says that he's gonna e-mail her back real quick and then be on his way to my house.

A couple of hours later he arrives at my house. He would NOT stop talking about this "Sarah Porch"....I just started laughing...and he was you wasn't it...and I said yeah (still laughing)...he got all bent and wanted to leave. So...for a quick back up, I said....ya know, I just wanted to show you that you have no clue who you are talking to on the computer and I did this because I care. He bought it!!!!! and I was off the hook (after a week :eek:)

He still doesn't know it wasn't my idea! It's a huge joke now. I know, that was really mean huh? :rof:
I met my wife at a mutual friend's birthday party at a bar in 2003. (Both of us weren't looking for a relationship.) Little did I know she took a liking to me at the party. I also didn't know that when our mutual friend called on a couple occasions it was to set us up but since the call wasn't placed until last minute I was already out and about. Finally, the friend said hey lets go to the Toby Keith concert. So I met them at at a local establishment prior to the concert and there she was again. I found out that this was to be out first date because she knew I was coming but I didn't know she was coming. Moved in together 6 months later and got married last September.
I was 8 months out of the Army and working at an autobody shop trying to make ends meet. They sold used cars there that we fixed up. These two cute young ladies had come in a few times looking for a car. On the third trip in, one of them asks me if I was single. She said her friend was shy and really liked me alot but was afraid to ask. I said yes and agreed to have a couple beers after work with them. After meeting them at her mother's house and talking over a few beers, I asked if she'd like to come to my place. I never looked back from that night and that was almost 22 years ago. The funny thing is, she was looking for a one-night stand and I wasn't. One night became several and I convinced her that I was the one for her. She had a son at the time who was about 20 month old. 10 months after we met, we had our twins. We didn't get married until 5 years into the relationship and the kids were all in the wedding party.

I might not be the best Christian but I strive to be the best Husband and Dad!

That is a great story :)

Here is mine:

I was a single mom, with two incredible boys.. was taking a class to learn how to work windows based computers (my other job had terminal based) and there was this guy that would cut through the classroom from time to time.. I always had to wipe my mouth afterwards. Anyway, one of our projects was to do a professional resume, and the teacher/owner brought me to his office and asked if I would like to work there. So I said I was interested, and I got an interview, with that cute guy I kept seeing walk through....well I got the job, and told my sister in law, I am not sure if I can work for this guy.. but I did. We became friends quickly (he was in a relationship) and we worked really well together. One day we went to work, there were cruisers in the parking lot and people taking all of our equipment out... YIKES! I/We saw it coming so I was already lined up for 2 jobs, just had to make a decision.. glad I made the right one I am still here, and the other guy changed professions.. so we did lose touch for a while, I started dating a guy, and one night after a date, my phone rings at like 1am. It was him. We talked for a long time. But I was dating someone at the time, we later broke up because I was just something to do...I decide well, I guess I will just stay single... about a year goes by, he calls me from Ft. Benning.. he is laid up with a knee injury :eek: he is due to come home at the end of May, I was leaving for a trip to Switzerland but we agreed when I got back we should get together..we started dating and he said to me upfront, he was moving to Illinois within the next year.. He did invite me, but I couldn't go because of the boys. I asked how long he would be gone for, he said he was going forever. We dated for another year, takiing turns flying back and forth, my job took me to Chicago several times so I was the default employee for those meetings. Then he was home for Christmas he took me to Montreal :canada: to ask me to marry him. He moved home the next year and we got married the year after that. Bought a house, now we have 2 boys, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 motorcycles, 2 vehicles (car and truck). Hey where's Noah? Ok that is dorky, but we are truly happily married. Sometimes the best really is the last!