i am back!!! check this out!!!

I am all about being a :squid:, I dont care what anyone thinks. However, weaving in and out of traffic and pissing cagers off is easy and the newest of noobs can do that. stop involving the public in your noob behavior and go do some vids of you doing wheelies, stoppies, drifts, or carving a back road. No on here wants to see this crap again. However, I will back you up on one thing. Alot of people on this site are extremely self righteous, so I'm pretty sure you are not alone as far as asshat stunts are concerned.:rockon:
I'm really impressed. I have never before seen a rider who is able to change his line seven times in a single turn.

Oh wait, that's because you're supposed to pick the right line the first time.


Big red be you. Little grey be me.


You bigger than me, yo. Mad props to you.

GIXXERBOY, not the giantest squizzid in the sea
I am all about being a :squid:, I dont care what anyone thinks. However, weaving in and out of traffic and pissing cagers off is easy and the newest of noobs can do that. stop involving the public in your noob behavior and go do some vids of you doing wheelies, stoppies, drifts, or carving a back road. No on here wants to see this crap again. However, I will back you up on one thing. Alot of people on this site are extremely self righteous, so I'm pretty sure you are not alone as far as asshat stunts are concerned.:rockon:


the video quality is piss poor man. I do nothing but watch videos on the internet all day so have a strong stomache for low quality vids....but i turn yours off very quickly.

the BEST videos of people riding hard are those on back roads and stuff. i was carving up traffic in my first year on a bike....as my riding skills have improved ive actually backed off quite a bit. its just silly. requires nothing more than luck and testosterone and a little ability to ride.

so, my input:

1) invest in some proper video equipment man. do you have yours mounted on the front shock absorbers or something? yeesh.

2) hit up some back roads....carving up traffic is almost boring to watch even when someone like ghostrider does it. his is only fun to watch cuz he literally lane splits at 250kph....when other cars are doing 60kph.
i'm waiting for the thread where you're talking about the ticket you got, and how your bike was impounded for driving like that. where i live, that kind of riding will get you into way more trouble than you want to be in...
:squid: :spank:

Bingo! Still riding like an idiot:squid:

I watched the video a second time, and actually felt sick to my stomach after watching it. Seriously dude... pick your line and attack it smoothly. +1 on investing in a track day... at least that way you won't be endangering anybody but yourself.
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I prayed for you and the people you share the road with.

Now, get serious and do a couple of track days at Megara, it's only like 30 km from you, then you don't have to be foolish on the road.

Here, Super Bike School even offers classes there: Superbike School :: Megara, Greece, Now I would love to see some video from this :thumbup:
All I'll say is it's all fun till you crash. Then it's not so fun anymore.

I totalled my bike a couple of months ago doing 40-45 mph from people freaking out and hammering on their brakes when they saw a cop on the other side of the freeway. Just a small bruise and a scratch, but it is a traumatic event that is burned in your mind that you hope will never happen again. I've even have moments and wonder if I should even ride at all anymore.

I will ride again though.
Dude read some books on riding and stop doing what your doing before your luck runs out.
Anyone else notice the amount of garbage (litter) in the streets? There seems to be a ton of debris laying around. All it would take is a bottle in your "line" at those speeds and bye bye. Save that type of riding for a track where you only endanger yourself.:disapprove: End of:rant:
I'm first to admit that at times I'm no saint on the road, but I choose carefully where I am going to ride fast - on roads I know well, in the countryside and only if it's quiet. Always slow down if there's traffic/pedestrians/cyclists/any other road users. Never ride like this in urban areas, you are asking for trouble.

You are responsible for your own life and can treat that as recklessly as you want, but don't be reckless with other people's lives - riding like this with so many other people around it's only a matter of time before you take someone else with you to the pearly gates!
big deal folks. you guys arent his mom. let him do what he wants

Yeah it is a big deal when MY insurance rates go up because of the way HE rides, and half the cagers on the road disrespect and disregard ME because of HIM and ppl like him. He's lucky I'm not his mom, 'cause if I were I'd smack him around. Moron. (Clean enough moderator? Too bad you don't edit for stupidity as much as cleanliness. You could have saved us all the trouble of this thread.) There's a place and a time for his kind of riding, and it ain't on a public street.
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I have no problem with him "doing what he wants." I'm all for that. The problem I have is him putting others at risk. He can do what he wants on a track, a vacant parking lot, or somewhere else where he won't cause an accident and hurt someone besides himself.
This kind of riding is NOT ALLOWED in SoCal Street Bikers. I'll send you home riding like that, so if we as a group can ride responsibly, then I think we all should...

once we get to back canyons, yes, it's a different story - 'nuff said